t h r e e

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I yawn and cuddle closer to my pillow. Wait. I don't have a body pillow.  My eyes shoot open to see Frosty facing me, smiling in his sleep. His chest rises and falls in a soothing rhythm. His breathtaking blue eyes appear as he intertwines his fingers with mine. I yank them back.

"Morning Frosty."

"Morning Angel."

His voice is deep and raspy that makes my heart flutter. His silky black hair lays messily against my white pillows. I notice the little stubble growing against his sharp jawline, more prominent than Matt's at an angle.

"How'd I get in my bed?"

"I carried you after the movie finished. Good thing you fell asleep because I felt like a Goonie after it ended." He chuckles.

I laugh and sit up, stretching my arms. I accidentally slap Frosty in the face and apologize as he smiles. I see a smirk appear on his face as I grow confused.

"Already hitting on me, Angel? I didn't know you wanted me that badly." I whack him in the arm as he scowls and rubs his bicep. His biceps are twice the size of my head.

"Whatever Frosty. I'm gonna start making breakfast, want some pancakes?"

"What are pancakes?"

"Only the best and fluffiest breakfast food created by God himself. That's it, I'm making pancakes." I scramble from the messy sheets and go to the bathroom.

When I look in the mirror, I see someone different. Not me, the one whose nice and caring and selfless. Not the one helping Frosty right now, but the old me. The one who cried herself to sleep and spent her time with someone who didn't love her back. The one I don't want to see ever again.

I wash my face and use a cleanser to get rid of all the oil that built up overnight. I use some toner and moisturizer, and try to comb through my raccoon-like hair. After several mini knots, I managed to put my wavy hair into a messy bun. I feel victorious as I nail the messy bun in one try, instead of five million.

I make my way to the kitchen and hear Frosty take a shower. I grab some bowls, pancake mix, and the rest of the ingredients to blow Frosty's mind. I don't want to brag, but I'm one hell of a cook. Thank God for a family. And the Food Network.

I heat up the pan and mix the pancake mix. I whisk some eggs in another bowl and cut up some strawberries. The pancakes come out thick and fluffy, the eggs are nice and warm, the orange juice isn't too sour, and the fruits are sweet. This must be my lucky day.

"Breakfast is ready!" I sit on one side of the counter as Frosty sits on a stool opposite of me. I pour some syrup over his buttered pancakes and he digs in. I hear him moan and see he takes another bite.

"Oh my god, Angel. Where did you learn to cook like this? I feel like I'm in heaven!" He shovels all three of his pancakes and starts on his eggs and fruits. Just as quickly as I put the eggs and fruits on, they disappear.

"Family recipes and spending my lonely time watching the Food Network when you're hungry really helps."

"What's Food Network?"

"A TV Channel where people cook and they teach it to whoever watches."

"Someday Angel you are going to teach me how to cook, and I'll make you a special dinner." His eyes look hopeful and I don't want to be the person who takes away that sparkle in his eyes.

"Okay. Deal, on one condition."

"Anything, Angel."

"You have to do whatever I want to do for one day."

"That's easy Angel because I'd do that for the rest of my life." He says casually, shooting me a wink across the small counter.

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