Chapter 10- We Can Do This

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A/N- hey guys, really short chapter, I promise from here on, it is going to be getting good so thank you if you stuck by and read this crap 😂

Chapter 10- We Can Do This
"What are you talking about?" Jake questions looking at me as if I am on every drug in the world.

"We are never going to be safe... He's somehow getting in my head, I don't know how but it's as if I can hear everything that he's says, his thoughts, his feelings, all of it"

"Alex you sound crazy" Ansley groans clearly woken up by my little breakdown and I chuckle

"To be honest... I think I am. We can't escape it no matter how hard we try. He's going to kill us off one by one and I have a feeling he's going to leave me for last. I will not just stay here like sitting ducks! We have to make a plan. Now!" I demand and they both nod

"What if we attack from the trees?" Ansley asks and I feel a throbbing pain in my head

"I have surveillance around this whole place Alex" his voice fills my head again

"Alex what's wrong?" Ansley asks and I cradle my head

"It's happening again. He's got cameras everywhere. He's watching our every move. We can't attack from above or below or even split up because he will see it and kill us in an instant" Jake huffs

"So we are just sitting ducks then?! Well if your waiting for us to be vulnerable Now's your chance! Come and get us bastard!" He shouts loud enough for the whole island to hear.

It's as if a spark went off in my head because automatically I said "I have a plan!" They gather next to me and I smirk.

"We make it look like we are fighting and then I walk into the woods and start digging holes around the place. I know he's going to ask me what I am doing so I will just blatantly say that I am digging graves-"

"But it will really be for him! We can form a sneak attack, make him think that you are on his side" Jake puts together the pieces and I nod

"He might try to make me shoot one of you but I will act like I am going to shoot Ansley and then I turn around and bam! He will be dead. Once he's dead, we find the bullets for the flare gun and start shooting like crazy" They both smirk

"We can do this" Ansley smirks

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