Tired Bones and Alliances

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Today didn't go off to a good start, I got home late last night and woke up five minutes later than I was supposed to. My brother Papyrus was pissed.

He yelled at me and threw me at a wall, which I'm pretty sure has a dent now, and ordered me to go to my station.

I did as I was told and teleported to my station after I left the house. I went limb and laid my top half of my body on the table and sat on my stool.

I didn't know what I wanted to do, talk to Flame or pass out and get in more shit with Papyrus.

I shut my eyes for a bit, in hopes that Flame would wake me up when she arrived.

Not long after, I felt a light weight object, fall on my shoulders and down my back.

I weakly opened my eyes and looked to my right, only to see Flame gently smiling at me.

"Hey sleep bones, you looked tired." She said softly.

I then realized that she put a blanket over my body.

"I got a pillow too." She added and held out a light orange pillow.

I slightly sat up and she slid the pillow where my head had laid. I laid my head on the comfy pillow and almost fell asleep.

"Why you being so nice to me?" I mumbled, feeling tired as hell.

"Why shouldn't I?" She replied with a question.

I shrugged and slowly fell asleep, I heard her say something sounding like she'd watch for humans until I woke up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Flame sitting in front of a tree, leaning her back against it. I couldn't tell if she fell asleep, because her hood made a dark shadow that covered her eyes.

"Flame?" I quietly called to her.

She turned her head towards me and smiled, "Good to see you're awake! You sleep alright?" She asked.

I nodded and stretched my arms, "Thanks for pillow and blanket.. I guess." I muttered.

She stood up and walked to my station, "Why were you so tired anyways?" She questioned.

I shrugged, "Just one of those days, I guess." I replied.

For some reason I didn't want her to worry about my health.

She huffed in annoyance, but seemed to let it go. "You know, if you're having a bad day and need a break. Let me know, or call me." She explained.

"You just trying to get my number?" I asked, sass in my tone.

She laughed, "Sorry bud, only known you for a few days, you sure we're actually ready for that in our friendship?" She asked, clearly kidding.

"Friendship? Don't hear much of that word 'round here?" I remarked.

"Well I guess if it makes it sound less... weird or wimpy. We can call us allies?" She suggested.

"Allies.... it could work." I replied, not seeing the harm in doing so.

"Then a alliance it is!" Flame declared proudly, as if she had just won something.

I chuckled at her actions.

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