Now Your Name

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Well that hunch I had about seeing that chick again, it was right.

The girl showed up after I woke up from a nap at my sentry station. She sat on the snow, looking as if she were eagerly waiting for me to wake up. Which she probably wasn't, I'm not that interesting.

"You like watching me sleep?" I remarked sharply.

She shrugged, "You're interesting and your world intrigues me." She responded intelligently.

I raised my 'eyebrow' in confusion, "What's so 'intriguing' about the Underground?" I asked.

She smiled, "It's just different." She smirked.

I then caught onto what she mentioned, "My world? You ain't from around here, are you chick?" I questioned.

She laughed, "I'm surprised you caught onto it so quickly, but yeah, not from around here. Just a visitor." She replied.

"Well then you should know that this place isn't the friendliness." I commented.

She sighed, "Yeah, I realized." She muttered.

I decided to change the subject, after a small awkward silence.

"So, chick, ya got a name?" I asked.

The figure looked at me and smiled, "Yeah I do, yours is Sans, correct?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, how'd ya know?" I asked, implying that she was a stalker.

"I saw your name edged into your station." She replied.

I looked at the station and spotted the spot where I signed my name, it was on a boring day not long ago. I looked back at her.

"Well played." I commented.

"Thanks." She grinned, and stood up, "I gotta go!"

The green flames appeared and when she and the flames disappeared, I heard her voice whisper, 'call me Flame.'

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