First Meeting

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Uh... hi or whatever...

Just so you know this isn't some girlie diary, it's just a journal that I jot my notes down... n' stuff.

Anyways, today, something 'different' happened, during my shift at my sentry station.

I had my head on the sentry station, using my arms as a pillow. I was really tired that day, since I didn't get much rest that night. It was a restless night.

Anyways, I guess before I could welcome sleep, I felt the feeling of being watched.

At first, I thought it was Boss, just testing me, trying to scare me, or check up on me, but the presence felt... different.

I snapped my view in different perspectives, around my station. When I spotted nothing, I turned my head to the Ruins door and suddenly.

"BOO!" An upside down figure whispered loudly.

I remember falling out of my chair from shock, the figure laughed. It sounded like a girl's laugh.

I looked at the figure as they levitated onto the ground, upwards, their face covered, except for their nose and lips, which were pale peach coloured. They wore a black hood, connected to a black, sleeveless cloak, with bright green outlines, a light grey tank top, blue jeans and black boots.

By the look of their body structure, the figure was in fact a girl.

I growled at her, "What the hell did you do that for?!"

She shrugged, "Just for shits and giggles." She responded.

I narrowed my eye sockets at her, "Who the hell are you anyways?" I asked.

I saw her smile, she didn't reply, but disappeared in large green flames, which faded after.

It left me in confusion, but then I had the feeling that I'd see more of that chick.

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