Chapter Ninety-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Kylo Ren and I are not dating, Kespia. How could you even think that?" I wanted her to think I was seething from anger, but really my voice was unsteady and my hands were trembling because of fear. 

Kespia rolled her eyes again. "Are you kidding me, Nira? It's so obvious! You make it so obvious that you two are in love! Both of you! Are you even trying to conceal it? You're spoiled, you're treated so well because of him."

She then continued her ruthless rant. "And you might think that you seem like a sweet, innocent, ditzy girl who doesn't know the first thing about how powerful she is, but you're wrong. You seem like you're playing the idiot just to mooch deeds and good treatment off of Kylo Ren. I also get the feeling that you're actually super cocky because you know exactly how powerful you are and just how to use that electricity." 

"I'm not -- " I stuttered, scrambling for an argument, "That's not -- I'm not cocky, or arrogant, or trying to mooch off of Kylo Ren. That's not me!"

Kespia scoffed and sarcastically agreed, "Sure." 

She then turned her back to me and recommenced her training. 

"I'm not like that. You can think whatever you want about me, but it's not true. And you're right, Kespia -- not everyone has to like me, and people can choose to not like me for their own reasons. But just because they have reasons to not like me doesn't mean the reasons are viable." With that, I angrily stormed out of the armory. I didn't want to be near Kespia any longer. 

As I stomped down the hallway, worry fell over me. How did she find out, or come to the assumption, that Kylo Ren and I are together? I have to let him know immediately. 

I made my way slowly over to the base's medcenter to get my burns checked on before lunch. I couldn't get Kespia's harsh words out of my head. 

Do I really have that strong of an aura of arrogance? I don't think so, because I'm not cocky and I don't think very highly of myself. 

You can't let it bother you right now, Nira. You have other, more important things to do, consider, and think about, I thought as I made my way to the medcenter secretary's desk. 

"Uh, Nira Leven?" I tentatively spoke my name, hoping I could get in to see my doctor quickly. The secretary looked up at me and looked me up and down in a judgmental manner. 

"Yes, you'll be right in to see the doctor." She informed, not looking away from her computer again. I slowly backed away and took a seat in one of the black, leather chairs against the wall.

Soon enough, the doctor who had cared to me last time entered from the hallway to my left. I felt the smallest bit of regret towards how I acted last time I was in the hospital -- desperate to get out, impatient, passive-aggressive, and pushy -- but again, I got to see Kylo Ren soon after I had acted the way I had, so I was also not regretful. 

"Nira Leven." He called out, looking directly at me. I nodded, stood up, and followed him down the hallway and into a cell. I sat down on the grey hospital bed and he began getting things around at the black counter against the wall. 

"How have your burns been feeling, Nira?" He questioned with his back still to me. I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. "They haven't hurt much, they just still look . . . Ugly." I answered honestly; I was unable to keep the disgusted frown off of my face when I just simply thought of the burns. 

He then turned to face me. I noticed he held several small pills in his hand. "I don't believe I was ever able to properly introduce myself. My name is Dr. Neturre. It's a pleasure to be working with you. I've heard many great things about you." 

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