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It took three full days of dedication to unpack all of your boxes. Your new apartment was back to it's normal order. You sighed in relief; finally time to relax. You thought about a long walk with Simba, your blonde and black pug. The puppy sat on the foot of your bed, looking at you.
"You wanna take a walk?!" You squeal in a babyish voice. Almost instantly, his eyes widened and he spun around in circles, falling off the bed.
"You're silly.."
Simba followed you closely down the stairs and into the hallway. You took his black harness and lead off the hook by your front door and walked through to the lounge. He was sat waiting. Quickly, he was geared up ready to go. You left our apartment and headed down the road towards the bridge.
Simba was an excitable puppy. Which was expected, him being only eight months old. Every now and again, he would skip in a small circle. You smiled down to your 'son'.
You carried on walking more towards the bridge where you would sit on the bench before heading home. The sun was just about to start setting. You huffed and smiled, finally happy in Athlone. You looked straight ahead, the bridge was a few metres away now.
You couldn't believe what you saw. Green hair. Him.
You'd been seeing this 'mystery guy' literally everywhere, everyday and now you were about to be the closest you've ever been. As you drew closer, you saw his face light up. His eyes shot straight down to Simba. He knelt down and Simba jumped to put his front paws on his knee.
"Hey dude!" The guy squealed.
"Simba calm.." You giggled.
"He's okay!" The guy with a real strong Irish accent laughed. Simba was going crazy for this man.
"You're a cutie!" He stroked him and kissed Simba's head.
You giggled after his comment as the green haired dream stood up again.
"Cute doggy!" He rubbed the back of his next.  
"Have a good evening." The man blushed heavily and walked past.
You had to bite your tongue to restrict your excitement.
I spoke to him...

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