Hatred 2 - Into The Fire

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"Finally, foo- Ah I mean Karamatsu, my dear brother!" Osomatsu smiles as he jumps right in front of Karamatsu's arms and snatched the food away from him. Karamatsu struggles to keep his confident smile on his face he watches his brothers devour their food hungrily. Well, except for Choromatsu, who is drooling away from the tissue packets.

"Yo-You're welcome, Osomatsu." Karamatsu gave his signature smile but got ignored as usual. He sighs as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Say, I'm bored... Let's play poker! Loser gets stuff drawn on their face!" Osomatsu exclaims as he dug through his shelf for some cards.

"This is stupid, you should be finding a job instead." Choromatsu grunted as he laid on the table lazily. Osomatsu swung an arm around Choromatsu's neck and whined, "Aww come on! For you, you get to top."

"...F-F-F-For R-Real?!" Choromatsu's eyes sparkled in happiness as he heard that.

"Anything for my favourite brother," Osomatsu teased as his hand slowly ghosted its way to Choromatsu's thigh. Choromatsu's face immediately flushes red.

"YAYY! Poker, Poker!" Jyushimatsu shouts as he jumps around the tiny room happily. He accidentally steps on Karamatsu's feet and apologises quickly.

"Nghh...N-No worries my buraza! I'm fine." Karamatsu says while trying to hide the pain at his toes. It hurt like a billion suns but he had to hold it in. No one is to know that he is suffering. It is uncool to suffer. Totally uncool.

Karamatsu sits himself down right next to Bat Swinging Jyushimatsu. Unluckily, he got smacked right on the face by Jyushimatsu's bat as blood splurts out of his nose like a water fountain.

"BURAZA!!! OH GOD!!" Karamatsu shouts as his hands shot up to his nose to stop the bleeding. The Matsu brothers stops to look at Karamatsu before going back to do what they're doing.


"SORRY! LET ME MAKE IT BETTER?!" Jyushimatsu held up his bat and prepares to swing it against Karamatsu's head again. Thankfully Karamatsu learns his lesson as he swiftly escapes from Jyushimatsu's bat swinging range.

"Don't fret my Burazas, I'm gonna patch up." Karamatsu fumbled on his words as he walks upstairs to the Matsu brother's rooms.

"Hurry up so we can play!" Osomatsu shouts, earning a loud 'Yeah!' from Karamatsu.

However, Karamatsu couldn't hold it in and started sobbing quietly. Tears run down his face as blood from his nose flowed non-stop like a broken faucet. He couldn't even bring up the strength to grab the first-aid kit to fix up his nose.


"Hic..?" Karamatsu choked on his tears as his head immediately turns to the window. He notices two yellow eyes with purple slits staring back at him and truthfully, he was pretty scared. Was it one of Ichimatsu's cat friends? Was it...


Karamatsu finally realizes who or what it was. It was Ichimatsu- in his cat form...?

"I-I-sniff-matsu..!! What are you doing here...?" Karamatsu quickly wipes his tears in haste to prevent his brother from seeing him cry.

"No, why are you doing here?" Ichimatsu jumps into the room and takes a step towards the older brother. Karamatsu swallows hard before he takes a trembling step back.

"N-nothing buraza. Bloody nose, you know! Cool things happen to me, even accidents!" Karamatsu laughs uncomfortably as his back is up against the wall.

"I may be younger than you but I know when you're lying, Shittymatsu."

"Bu-Buraza, there's nothing wr- Hnh!"

Ichimatsu swung his fist across Karamatsu's face, causing Karamatsu to knock his head against the wall and go unconscious. Blood was mixed with Karamatsu's leftover tears which made his face a bloody mess.

Ichimatsu approached the unconscious Karamatsu and with a hand, smears the blood from his face. He stares at his bloodied hand that was stained by his brother's blood silently.

"...Don't lie to me." Ichimatsu whispered.


[DISCONTINUED] Hatred Is Such A Strong WordWhere stories live. Discover now