Finding out

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-Annabeth POV-

"Annabeth, It's the only logical explanation." Cassidy, my little sister, told me shoving the box into my hands.

"No. I'm not pregnant." I told her throwing the box onto my bed.

"Please Annabeth. Just one test then we'll know. At least if you take one then we know you aren't." She reasoned.

"Fine." I grumbled taking the test and started to walk to the cabin bathrooms when I remembered then remembered something. "Can you go and get Percy for me? I want him to be here for this." I asked her.

"Course." She said then walked out while I took the test and lay it on the side of the sink.

I sat back down on the bed my leg shaking for more reasons than my ADHD. Suddenly the door burst open and there was Percy stood in the doorway with Cassidy behind him. It was clear that he ran here worried about me then he ran to me pulled me to his side.

"Are you okay? Cassidy told me you needed me but it was better if you told me." He said in panic as the timer I set on my phone.

"We're about to see. Cassidy can you get it? Just don't look at it." I asked her and curled up against Percy even more.

"Of course." She said and waked into the bathroom shaking slightly.

"Annabeth what's going on?" Percy asked his concern now growing. "You might be a dad in 9 months." I told him waiting for him to walk out but he only smiled down at me.

"And you're worried about what? Me leaving? Annabeth if you're pregnant it would be the best news I've ever received." He told me as Cassidy walked back into the room with the test facing down and placed it on the bed next to me.

"You ready?" I asked placing my hand on the stick.

"Only if you are." He replied smiling at me.

I slowly turned the test right side up and looked.


"We're going to be parents." I said out loud after letting out a shaky breath.

Percy quickly pulled me onto his lap and hugged me tight.

"It's okay Wise Girl. It'll all be okay but think, something that shows our love to each other I here." He told me placing a soft hand on my flat stomach.

"Yeah. I guess I never thought of it like that." I said smiling a little and placing my hand over his.

"I love you both so much." Percy said placing a kiss on my head.

"I love you and our baby too." I told him smiling and kissing his lips..

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