To Be A Hunter..........4

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Jane sat at the morning buffet at her hotel the next morning, sipping some coffee, busy at work on a Sudoku puzzle when she heard the news on the TV sitting across the room. They were talking about bizarre animal attacks in the town over. The speculations were that it was a bear, according to the news anchor, and it was mauling people.

Bear attacks in the middle of the city?

Sounds like more of a case to me, Jane thought.

Jane was still waiting for the paternity test results. Perhaps there would be enough time for a case. After having decided to check this lead, Jane went back to her hotel room and changed into a nicer suit she saved for cases: jet black dress pants and jacket paired with a turquoise top and a pair of heels.

By the time she arrived at the crime scene, signaled her (fake) FBI badge to the authorities, Jane realized that she was not alone.

“Well, well, well,” Dean smirked.

Jane bit her lip to keep herself from responding with something horrible. She glanced over at his fake badge and responded with his undercover name.

“Yes, Agent Timone?” Her eye brows knitted together.

“He’s Agent Pumba,” Dean replied and pointed to his brother, Sam.

“Nice,” Jane smirked. Picking Disney character names was so obviously fake! Hunters needed access to different crime scenes or buildings and fake badges allowed them to get in and get their job done. If hunters don’t have full access to all of the information on a case, they don’t know what kind of supernatural creature they may be up against.

“So, Agents,” Jane crossed her arms. “Anything interesting?”

“Well, there’s not much left here at the crime scene to examine. We are about to head over to the morgue. Would you like to join us, Agent Belle?” Sam asked nicely.

Dean smirked at her. “Belle?”

Jane shrugged. So she had a Disney name too. No big deal.

“Actually, I’m going to look around,” Jane decided.

“Are you insinuating that we weren’t thorough?” Dean asked.

“Nope,” She shook her head. “I’m just insinuating that I’m a better hunter than the two of you guys combined. Hakuna Matata, fellas.” Jane laughed and evaluated the crime scene while Dean stared at her angrily.

Insulting a man’s ego is like shooting his puppy.

This was a high-rise apartment. The murder took place in the living room. It was decorated in a posh, trendy fashion with long rectangular couches, an equally plain coffee table, and a thin plasma TV. There was a dark black chest of drawers of to the other side of the wall, where an elaborate music system was set. A potted plant sat in the corner. The window had a view of the downtown area, full of cars and people. The giant bloodstain (more like blood splatter) ran between the drawers with the music system and the couch.

“Russell Fredrickson, the victim, was found dead by his cleaning lady. His blood was drained from his body.” Sam had come behind Jane, startling her when he spoke. “We’ll check the body for puncture wounds when we get to the morgue. We were thinking vampire,” He added quietly.

Jane nodded. This did sound like a vampire attack. One thing Jane didn’t understand was, why would a vampire attack a man that lived in the middle of a large apartment building? Vampires usually attack random, lowlifes they can corner in an alley. This sounded more like a vampire with an agenda. Unless he picked a random apartment complex, then a random floor and room to kill whoever was inside? But that seemed like too much work. Something bigger was definitely going on here.

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