It is 10.00 already.

He is gonna pick me up in any second now.

I heard a knock. It's taemin.

Opened the door.

I smiled and looked at me up and down.

He smiled back.

He looks so painfully attractive..this hurts me. Why do you have to be so hot?!!

I waved goodbye to mom and sis.

"Let's go tomato." He whispered.

Ah..i'm blushing..

He escort me to the car.

We went off.

"You look pretty today." He said.

"Thank you,hotie." I joked.

He laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment." He said.

We always joke around back then.

So it's really normal for us.

"You're not gonna ask where we are going?" He said.

I shook my head.

"I love surprises." I said.

"Well,then. You're gonna love this." He said.

"Surprise me." I said.

5 minutes later,i fell asleep.

Something keeps poking me.

"What?" I said.

"We're here." He smiled.

I woke up.

"How long have i been sleeping?" I asked.

"About..30 minutes?" He said.

I looked around.

The sign says.

'Lotte world'


"You like it?" He said,nervously.

I smiled excitedly.

"Yeah!" I said.

He smiled back.

He pays for the ticket.


"Taemin oppa,i should pay for the food,okay?" I said.

He widened his eyes.

"Oppa? Are you okay?" I asked,innocently.

He hugged me.

This weird feelings in my chest keeps getting wilder.

He broke the hug.

"Don't stop calling me that,okay?" He looked to my eyes.

I don't know what he meant by that but i nodded.

He smiled and we enter the lotte world.

It is...crowded.

Like there is so many people here.

I bumped to an old man.

Then i startled at someone held my hands.

"It's just me. Get closer. you'll get lost,later." He said as he pulled me close to him. (Just imagine that it looks like in the picture on the media)

Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK BTS FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now