The Feeling

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I got nervous.

"Mommy,are you okay?" Hara asked as she notice her tense mother.

I nodded and smiled to them.

Jungkook came out.

Ah,his hair is wet..i always loved his wet hair..

I feel more calmer now.

Hara nudged to me.

"Stop staring,mom. He's mine." She whispered.

I looked at her in disbelief.

Jungkook smiled.

He went to hara and carry her. They twirl around.

I got jealous. What mother be jealous of their own kid?


"Yah. Stop." I said.

Hara looked at me,teasingly. She knew i'm jealous.

She kissed his lips.

"DADDY IS MINE!!" She shouted. I widened my eyes.

Jungkook smiled at her and peck her lips numerous time.

I looked at hana who hugged me.

"It's okay mom. I'm here." She smiled.

I carry her up to my shoulders.

"Fight me." Hana said.

"Daddy. Transform!" Hara said.

She is now sitting in his shoulder.

We played and laughed.

The kids got tired and drifted to sleep.

We got downstairs and flopped to the couch.

"That was tiring." He said.

"I know.." i said.

He put his head on my lap,he looked me in the eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You're so pretty." He said.

I smiled and kissed his forehead.

"I know." I said.

He smiled to me and closed his eyes.

I gently stroke his still wet hair.

Why do i feel there is something wrong?

I felt nervous again.

"I feel something wrong in you,jion. Whats wrong?" He opened his eyes.

How does he know? Is he human?

"Jion..i can feel you tensing." He said.

"Jungkook..i..i feel something isn't right." I said.

"Tell me." He got off my lap and sit beside me.

"Chanyeol called. He said if he could go to our house to stay or not and i said no because i knew you would be angry at me. Then he sounded shaky. He said that maybe he could visit next time. I said bye and he too said it. After that,i heard this loud crash that sounded like a glass. I can't stop thinking of how scary is that..i just refused to help a friend." I said as i bury my face with my palms.

"It's okay. Try calling him again." He said.

I looked at him to assure. He nodded at me assuringly.

I got my phone out and searched for chan's name in my contact.

I called him.

<hello? Who's this?
<who's this?
>no,who are you? *heard chans screaming in the background*
<shut up!
>you are not chanyeol.
<maybe i'm not *chan screaming 'help'*
>what did you do to chanyeol?!
<something. Now tell me,who are you? His girlfriend?
>i'm his bestfriend.
<oh,well. Wanna say goodbye to 'chan'?
>who tf are you? *chan screaming your name*
<oh,is this 'jion' ?
>no,this is your grim ripper calling. I'm here to take your soul


I hung up.

"Let's go." I stood up and get my things.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He's in danger." I said in a hurry.

I grabbed my magic eye spray and a fake gun to scare them away. But it can shoot little hard balls,not bad. I have good archering.

"What are you doing with hara's toy?" He asked.

"Honey,please stop asking and start the engine." I said.

He nodded and ran to the car.

I grabbed everything.

I ran to the car and we drove off to chans house.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" He said,worryingly.

"Do i always know what i'm doing?" I said.

He smiled.

"I know you promised not to fight anymore but i really need you to break it. Btw,you like troubles,am i right?" I said.

"Finally." He said.

He sped up the car.

In minutes,we arrived at his house.

Jungkook burst the door opened.

"They're here,boss!!" A guy said. There were 6 boys.

"You know it's not locked and we could have got in there sneakily,right?" I said.

"S-sorry." He said.

I felt someone poked me.

"Yah,we're here!" He yelled.

"Oh..sorry." i said.

It was a dream..a future dream.

We got out.

"Jungkook,it's not locked. We can get in sneakily." I whispered.

He nodded.

"How did you know that i'm gonna kick the door?" He said.

"Your posture is a bit stupid when you wanted to kick things. So,yeah." I said.

"Yah!" He shout-whispered.

It was dark..

I opened the lights.


I jumped.

You guys...i might have a heart attack when i'm older,you know?

"Thank you!! For making me having a heart attack." I said.

"We didn't get to celebrate it with you yesterday,so we called jungkook to make it as a secret." Chan said.

I looked to jungkook and smiled.

"Thank you,bangtan. Thank you,channie." I said.

We all party together until it's 3 pm.

Shit,i need to feed the kids.

"We need to go. Bye." I said.

They waved back.

They were having a sugar rush. The cake is too sweet for me.

We got back and saw the kids eating cereal.

My kids are growing up..

They used to cry 24/7 if i'm not home.

"Kids,we're home." I said.

They turn their heads.

"Welhum hon." They said as they chew their foods.

I laughed.

"Eat." I said and they nodded.


Sorry,i have no more ideas.

Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK BTS FANFIC]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon