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She drove us to a near by dark woods.

Yes,a 'she'

"It's that way." I said.

She nodded.

She didn't turn but instead,just forward to the darker side.

I slapped her.

"Bitch,i warned you." I said.

She nodded and turned back out to the city.


I was the last one to drop because i need to eye the kids.

The driver is scared of me,that's why i'm the last.

She didn't even dare to get my money.

I lined Jonghyun.

Me : jonghyun-ah i'm here. Open up
-_- : okay,wait
Me : uh..does your dad know?
-_- : he's not home yet..so..probably no
Me : ok cool

He opened the door and greet me with a smile and hug.

I got in and he lead me to his room.

"Woah. How big is this gonna get?" I said. (That's what she said😂)

He chuckled.

"Not as big as my love for you." He said.

"Cheesy jonghyun." I said.

Then,the door opened.

Shit. What if its his dad?!

"Bro,i want to--" he stopped.

It was Jaehyun.

My sister's rejection.

"Oh,noona. Hi." He said.

"Aish,what noona? I'm just how many months far from you." I said.

"Fine. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Uh..i'm...sneaking out from my house?" I said.

"Oh,where's taejin?" He asked.

"At minsoo's house." I said.

"Oh,you two are sneaking away?" He asked.


"No. Three." I said.

"3?! I never thought you have another sister in your family." He said.

Ah..he's still mad

I pouted.

"Uh,nevermind. Bye,have fun." He said.

He left.

"What was that all about?" Jonghyun said.

"I'll tell you tomorrow." I said.

"Why not now??" He asked.

"I'm sleepy as hell and i'm tired." I said.

"Don't ask." I continued.

"Okay..so,you sleep on the bed." He said.

"How about you?" I asked.

"I'll just sleep on that sofa." He said.

I felt kinda bad..

"Lemme sleep there. You sleep on the bed." I said.

He shook his head.

"Please. You're my guest. You have to be comfortable here." He said.

I nodded slowly.

Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK BTS FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now