Our New House

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Guysss the pictures are what the houses are like

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Guysss the pictures are what the houses are like..those luxurious houses..ck,rich af..so yeah,chapter 4,Go!


As i got in the house,there was suddenly a loud bang and my old friends are there cheering and saying,

"Happy moving,newly weds!!" They say.

"OMO! HAII!" I shouted happily and joyfully.

"Hey,you don't remember me,newly weds?" A girl said,teasingly.

"Bora-yah!" I shouted as i run to her and hug her tightly. "I miss you so much!" I said while burrying my face onto her shoulders.

"Yah,yah! Get off! My fav shirt will get wet!" She said.

"Oh,sorry..but i thought you like purple,not black!" I said.

"Haha,you know me well,jionnie!" She said while laughing and hugging me back. "I miss you too!" She said while tearing up.

"Yah! My shirt will get wet!" I said and we laughed.

"Come and sit,jion-ah" some guy said. As i looked at him,he was Min yoongi!

"Yah! You! You know how much trouble you made me go through?!" I said while running to him and hug him.

"Yah,i can't breath!" He said.

"Haha,that's what you get for troubling me!" I said.

"Sorry..i'm sooorryyy!" He said while i let go.

We sat in a couch and talked for a good 1 hour and i saw jungkook walking upstairs.

"Jungkook-ah,where are you going?" I said while running up to him in the stairs.

"Hm? Oh,i was just gonna search for our rooms and unpack,since i forgot to unpack because you fainted." He said, "and sorry for yelling rudely to you,it was part of the plan." He continued.

"Oh,sure! It's fine." I said while walking off.

Suddenly,he grab my wrist and pinned me to the wall.

"I'm seriously so sorry." He said with his deep voice.

"I said it's oka--" i was cutted by him kissing my cheeks. Then after for a while,he stare at my eyes.

"Okay,i'll go up." He said while blushing and scratching his head as he walked off.

"Okay..." i said in a confused voice.

What's up with this man? I thought to myself. He's weird today..and suddenly,someone said to me,

"Having fun,newly weds?" It sounded like a boy.

"Who.." i said and gasped when he showed himself. "Tae..taehyung?" I widened my eyes.

"Hey.." he said,"long time no see?" He said while getting closer to me.

Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK BTS FANFIC]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt