Chapter 6

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Fiona's blood ran cold. This was not good at all. One glance at the Captain beside her confirmed her fears as he attempted to school his worried expression.

"Get Johnny and Devon to knock on all the cabins and tell everyone to stay in their rooms...LOWER THE SAILS!" He shouted to his men as he fell back into his role of strict captain.

Turning to her he placed both his hands on her shoulders and looked her straight in the eye.

"Go straight to your cabin and if it comes to be hide under your bed. I'll get you a knife or something but don't hesitate to kill anyone if they come near you."

"Garrett, I'm not going to hide." She spit out. "You taught me how to sword fight remember?"

"Fiona this isn't some practice session. Blood will be shed and Liam will kill me if something happened to you. Besides, you are a passenger as is everyone else and entrusted in my care."

"Captain, you and I both know fighting provides me a better chance of survival." He knew she was right and could not argue that point. Grabbing her arm he dragged her back to her cabin.

"I don't have time to argue with you and I know you probably have some disguise as a boy. If they see that your a female they'll do unspeakable things to you." The captain threw articles of her clothing around until he reached her brother's trousers and garments and the wigs the gypsy had shoved in her hands. There really was no time for him to question why she had such articles but was more so thankful that she did.

"It is a miracle you have these but here, change into these and find me in the cockpit." The captain all but flew out of the room.

Shutting the door behind him she leaned her back against it for a moment. Her heart was beating faster than horses in a race and her nerves were frantic. She was beginning to regret this escape of hers. It hadn't amounted into anything but throwing her in dangerous situations.

"Breathe Fiona. Breathe and think." Grabbing her smallest bag she shoved in her brothers garments and the darker wig with 2 of her lighter dresses. At the very bottom she shoved the dagger and her valuables. Her mother's pendant she strung around her neck and quickly stripped out of her current dress.

The trousers were a little loose and knowing if she somehow survived this she'd need to make them a little more snug she threw her sewing needles into the same small bag. Tying her fiery red hair above her head and securing it with her pins, she slipped the wig in place.

Her small gun she stuck in her boot before pulling her cabin door open and running to the cockpit.

"Young lad, help Adam in the weapons room." Fiona stood rooted to her spot. Surprised that the captain hadn't recognized her she stared him down until he turned back to look at her.

"I thought I gave you strict orders. What are you still-?" He paused and intently stared at her. "Fiona?" She couldn't help but grin at him. If it weren't for the dreadful situation they were in she probably would have cheered at disguising herself such wonderfully.

"Mhm." She all but whispered.

"Oh heavens above, I didn't recognize you. Ok," tilting his head to the side and taking a closer look at her he shook his head in amazement. "You make a beautiful young lad. Just make sure to sort of walk with a little limp. We gentlemen walk with our shoulders not our hips. And deepen your voice. No guy has such a feminine tone. Now, go help Adam in the weapons area below ship." Shooing her away his focus was quickly captured by some of the passengers walking angrily towards him.

"Cap'in told me to help ye." If she could just disguise herself from the rest of the crew she would feel more at ease. The less people that recognized her the better.

Adam didn't even spare her a glance. "Just watch and copy what I do." Curiously she looked around at the barrels full of gun powder and what looked like a circular black ball tucked neatly next to each other. There was a looking glass sticking out of the ship and she watched as Adam peaked through it while aiming the canons and locking them into place.

"Adam!" The captain's voice rang from above deck. Fruatrated, Adam stalked towards the stairs.

"Stay here and load the guns." As soon as he was out of sight she peered through the looking glass. Noticing that it wasn't set up to directly hit the pirate ship she attempted to copy the same movements she'd seen Adam do.


The canons were a lot heavier than Fiona had anticipated. It almost raised her off the ground. Grounding all her weight onto the ship floor, she used all her strength to adjust the canon until it was finally in place. Just as she had managed to secure the latches, Adam walked in with more boys behind him.

"What in the bloodyhell are you just standing there doing?"

Fumbling with her words she had the smallest of inklings to lie. "I-I'm making sure n-none of the boys mess with the cannons." She watched as Adam frustratingly raked his ear and marched towards her.

"Go find Cap' and tell him I don't want you on my watch. I'm just fine by myself." Taking one last glance around the room she gladly raced out of there as quickly as her legs could carry her.

"Captain Garrett." She tried to get his attention but he was too immersed in his duties.

"Captain!" She shouted loudly in the best manly voice she could muster. Whipping his head to the side his eyes landed on the small boy with red hair.

"Fiona, what are you doing up here? I thought I told you to stay in the weapons room?"

"I got kicked out." Fiona was positively embarrassed that she wasn't even competent in standing in a room and observe. Then again Adam hadn't even given her a chance.

"What do you mean you got kicked out?" Shrugging her shoulders she played with the hem of her brother's shirt and watched as he rotated the rudder.

"He told me to tell you he's better off working alone."

They were quiet for a little bit. She could tell he was mulling over what she had just said. Looking around she watched as all the sailors frantically ran about preparing themselves for the worst. Looking out at the vast waters around her she could now make out the visible outline of the pirate ship.

"Cap'in! Cap'in," a boy probably not even her age ran towards them out of breath and with fear in his eyes.

"James." Watching the exchange she was afraid to hear the words that would spill from his mouth. It wasn't even much. Just two God forsaken words that had the blood running from her face.

"It's time."

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