Another birthday

5 2 0

Mikey- it's angelcake's birthday

Corn- she is turning 16

Gi- party time

Sandy- and cake

Leo- what do you need us to do

Corn- mikes and I are making the cake. Donnie and gi have decorations. Sandy other food.

Ralph- and us

Corn- presents just don't break them.

Vincent- woof woof

Corn- watch Leo and Ralph please

Leo- really

Vincent- woof

~time skip~

Corn- ok everything is perfect

Mikey- when is she coming

Corn- soon

Kk - hey guys what's so urgent

Everyone- surprise

Kk - ah guys this is awesome

Mikey- love you angelcakes

Kk- love you to mikey

Corn- now we eat cake

Kk- I just got here

Sandy - so no cake

Kk- yes cake

Leo- so you maturing is not going to happen

Kk- no

Donnie- happy birthday kk *hands her a box*

Kk- what is it *opens* a drone no way

Mikey- sweet

~after presents and cake~

Kk- guys this has been the best birthday ever thank you

Gi- what are friends for

Corn- of course bestie

Sandy- you deserve it

Kk- thanks guy but I have to go moms calling me

Corn- bye my peas

Kk- bye my little cupcakes

Gi- bye my duckling

Sandy- bye guys

Boys- bye everyone

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