Its over

18 3 0

Corn- YAY
Kaylee- finally
Raph- so how did you do babe *wraps arm around my waist*
Corn- I passed.
Kaylee- I'm just glad I'm alive
Mikey- I'm glad it's over
Donnie- so?
Corn- I got 100 in math
Donnie- awesome
Corn- I could do it without you Donnie
Leo- I'm happy that you two won't be screaming about exams anymore
Leo- what now
Kk- nothing I just wanted to scream
Sandy- I'm so glad exams are over
Leia- me too
Gi- no more suffering
Vincent- woof woof
Raph- I'm glad you won't be nose deep in a textbook
Corn- me to
Kk- time to read book club book
Raph- damn it when do I get to spend time with my girlfriend
Vincent- *growl*
Corn- you train I'll sit and read in the dojo and I'll supervise
Kk- ewwwwww
Corn- shut up
Kk- bye my little cupcakes
Corn- bye my peas
Leia- may the force be with you
Sandy- bye guys
Gi- bye my duckling
Mikey- want to some skating with me
Kk- sure
Everyone- BYE
Leo- quiet

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