The horror

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Leo- what happened
Raph- what's going on
Corn- quiet I'm watching Netflix
Kk- and I'm reading.
Leia- what's wrong Mikey
Sandy- I was getting the hang out meditation
Gi- *walkes out of lab* what this better be important
Donnie- I swear Micky this better be worth the last of the retro mutagen getting blown up
Mikey- it's terrible
Kk- babe what's wrong
Mikey- we are out of food
Raph- really you freaked out over that
Mikey- it's the end of the world
Corn- I'll just go buy more
Mikey- then what are you waiting for go now
Corn- my show is on after okay
Mikey- no leave now I'm going to die of starving
Donnie- it's die of starvation
Mikey- that too
Kk- Mikey clam down
Raph- he is blowing this out of proportion
Kk- wow Raph used a big word
Raph- shut up Kaylee
Leo- let's not fight
Mikey- please corn I need food
Corn- fine but all of you are coming with me
Kk- I have to finish this book
Corn- walk and read
Kk- I am not that coordinated
Mikey- I'll carry you now let's go
Kk- *jumps on Mikey's back* lets go
Donnie- here *hands the boys their human watches*
~time skip~
Mikey- so this place is filled with food
Kk- yes. This is SAMs
Mikey- where is this Sam guy and how did he get so much food
Corn- no the place is called SAMs
Mikey- oh
Kk- let's go it's lunchtime Saturday you know what that means
Raph- no I don't
Corn- *jumps of raph's back* samples
Leo- what
Sandy- SAMs has samples of food they have here
Mikey- really *jumps on Kaylee's back* on ward my steed
Kk-I'm giving you three seconds to get off me otherwise I will hurt you
Mikey- *gets off* sorry I'm just starving
Gi- Donnie let's go
Donnie- I don't understand what the bud deal is
Leia- look pizza sample
Mikey- where

Sandy- over there *points to last give pizza to people  

Mikey- no way *runs towards the pizza lady*

Kk- I'll keep an eye on him

Donnie- I don't see what's the big deal with this place

Raph- hey nerd is that a drone over there

Donnie- ha ha very funny 

Gi- he is not kidding  it's so cool *pulls Donnie towards the drone*

Sandy- well let's shop

Corn- Sandy there is a book section

Sandy- lets go Leo

Leo- okay 

Raph- great now I have to help you shop

Corn- yea yea I have the short end. I have to put up with a moody teenager while I shop for everyone. Now I know what my parents go through

Raph- lets just hurry up

~end shopping~

Mikey- that place was awesome 

Raph- I'm never doing that again. I rather do a dare. 

Donnie- that was the coolest drone I've seen.

Leo- she won't stop talking about it

Sandy- that was a poor excuse of a book section

Corn- I'm never bringing you guys shopping 

Raph- thank you so much

Kk- oh my god. It was like taking care of the Tasmanian devil

Mikey- hey

Kk- you literally took the tray from that lady's hands and ate all of the food

Mikey- it was free

Leia- Michelangelo you ate all of the food samples

Corn- bye my peas

Raph- why are you signing off

Corn- because you guys bug me 

Sandy- bye everyone

Gi- bye my ducklings

Kk- buy my little cupcakes

Leia- may the force be with you 

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