Chapter #4 ~ Creak/Riptide

Start from the beginning

"ąŋɖ ɖơŋ'ɬ  ʄơ ɠɛɬ, ơŋƈɛ ῳɛ ɱɛɬ ɬɧɛʂɛ ɛცɛƖʂ ąŋɖ ąŋɛ ῳɛ'ƖƖ Ɩı۷ɛ ɧą℘℘ıƖ ɛ۷ɛ ąʄɬɛ."

"Ha! You can't actually believe that?" Gorgos spat. "Are you even hearing this nonsense, Creak? Happily ever afters? We're not a living fairytale and a happy ending won't exist in our life. Best to not even get your hopes up."

"ơʄ ƈơųʂɛ ɧą℘℘ყ ɛŋɖıŋɠʂ ąɛ ɛąƖ! ɖơŋ'ɬ Ɩıʂɬɛŋ ɬơ ɬɧɛ ɖɛɱơŋ, ɱ ƈɧıƖɖ. ʂɧɛ ıʂ ơŋƖ ƈơཞཞų℘ɬıŋɠ ơų ɧɛąɖ ıɬɧ ŋɛɠąɬı۷ıɬ. ơų ɧą℘℘ıŋɛʂʂ ıƖƖ ƈơɱɛ!"

Creak rolled her eyes. The voices in her head were really arguing about her life. At a time like this! Sighing she responded before Gorgos could continue the argument. "Happily ever afters? Really guys we don't have time for this! If you don't help me come up with a plan that not only saves our life, but the lives of my brother and friends as well, then we might not have another year to live! Let alone time for a happy ending."

"ყɛʂ, ɱ ɖɛą! ơʄ ƈơųʂɛ ơų'ɛ ıɠɧɬ! ą ℘Ɩąŋ, ῳɛ ŋɛɛɖ ą ℘Ɩąŋ..."

"Ooo!" Gorgos sarcastically squealed. "I've got an idea! Let's try not to die! Sounds like a great plan, yeah?"

Creak bit back a retort and instead focused on coming up with something more specific then just not dying.

"Humm..." She hummed in deep thought. All she needed to do was get the knights attention which shouldn't be too hard, then she had to not get caught which was the trickier part.

To get their attention and to prove that she was the one they were looking for her best bet would be to do something musical. She could play her baritone in the middle of the street, but it would get in her way when she had to escape. It was painful to leave her beloved instrument behind, but she couldn't see a way to take it with her. It was too big and heavy for her to run with. She was just going to have to leave it in the tree and hope that no one would find it before she could come back to collect it.

She mentally crossed off the idea of making music with her baritone and Gorgos read the next thought on her list.

"You could walk the village streets while singing." That mocking laugh returned. "You've got to be kidding me. You aren't really considering this, are you?"

Creak, frustrated, buried her head in her hands. "Yes, I am. It's the best plan we've got. Now could you stop laughing, it's giving me a headache."

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