"Would it be okay for you if she continues to bake croissants in a different place? Maybe in a house where the both of us will be staying with, maybe, our kids..."

She stops mixing and she looks at me. "Adrien Agreste, what are you trying to say?"

"I love your daughter so much and I want to be with her forever..." Sabine gasps and she starts squealing like a little girl.

"Oh my Gosh! I can't believe that this is happening! My daughter is going to get married!!" She started mixing the cake mix happily. "Great timing! I am now baking you an engagement cake!"

I start to laugh at how silly my future mother-in-law was acting.

"Woah! we don't even know if she would say yes, yet. But will you allow me to have Marinette as my wife, Sabine?"

"Yes! Make me the happiest mother alive, Adrien!!" She approaches me and hugs the life out of me.

"Please take care of her heart, Adrien..."

"I will. I will always take care of her."

I guess that I'm not good in keeping promises. This is why I cannot enter the bakery again. I don't have the strength to see Sabine and Tom. I feel like I disappointed them and that I didn't take care of their daughter.

I continue eating the croissants and I enter the building where my art exhibit is being held in. I see the staff cleaning the gallery.

"Good morning, sir."


"It's nice to see you this morning, sir."

"Hello, Adrien."

I stop once I hear someone say my name. It is mandatory for an employee to call their employer by their last name or 'sir'. I know all too well the person who called me by my first name.

"Ms. Dupain-Cheng, please come to my office." I can feel her presence following me. I open the door to my office and I make her enter the room first.

"Please take a seat, Marinette..."

"Did I do anything wrong, Adrien?" She looks worried as she asks me. She sits down on the chair in front of my table.

"Yes-I mean no, you just forgot to sign some forms..." I hand her three forms and a pen. She grabs them and starts signing the papers.

"One more thing, Marinette." I grab her attention as she stops signing to look at me. "You must call me 'sir' in here, not Adrien. You must have forgotten that this is a place of work and I am your boss."

She goes back to filling up the forms. "I understand, sir." She says emphasizing the word, 'sir'.

"Good. I don't want the others thinking that we had some 'thing' in the past-"

"Don't worry, sir." She interrupts, "We never had any 'thing' in the past."

What? Okay, that just caught me off-guard.

"Oh...I see." I say, a little deflated and disappointed.

"I'm finished." She stands and hands me the completed forms and the pen. I grab them from her and she starts walking to the door.

"Wait first."

She stops to look at me and I show the brown paper bag full of croissants to her.

"I have something for you."

She approaches me again and she grabs the bag. Her eyes widen once she sees what are inside the bag.

"This morning, I was just passing by a bakery and I smelled the scent of the croissants. It tempted me to buy them, so I did. You should try them."

I Can't Forget (Adrienette AU) [Completed]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora