Chapter 1: Death The Kid

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I tilt my head up to read the name of the newly encountered area, Death City. Interesting name for an interesting place, I guess. I enter the city and sigh, realizing I'm most likely going to be here for twenty years at this rate, seeing as how long it took me to complete searching the last village; and that village was half the size of this place! Lord, help me. Oh, hello. Didn't see you there. Ok, yes I did; no point in lying. Well, since you're here, I might as well get ya caught up to speed. Hi, I'm Kira. I guess I gotta tell you why I'm here, do I really have to, though? Eh, gives me something to do while inspecting this whole city, so I guess I will. Well, to give it to ya straight, I'm searching for my brother. How long has it been since I'd last seen him? God, too many years to count. Maybe you know him? I mean, I highly doubt it, since I haven't met any of you in my life, but it's worth a shot. He's got pink hair, if that's not eye-catching, then I don't know what is. His name is Crona; have you seen him?

Why haven't I seen him in so long? Well, that's a decently long story; but I'll tell you. He saved my life one night, and since that night all those years ago, I haven't seen him once. See, our mother is a witch. Her name's Medusa, and yes, I call her by her first name. She doesn't deserve to be called 'mother' my me. I don't know if you've heard of her either, but she's more like the devil than a witch if you ask me. Ah, yes, that means that I'm a witch, too; but please don't be scared of me! I may be a witch, but only by blood. I want nothing to do with witches; I absolutely despise them. They're heartless creatures who only want to use you as puppets for their own enjoyment. Trust me, I know.

The story is, I knew that Medusa wanted to use Crona and I for power; so I, of course, told Crona about it. He didn't believe me at first since we were still just little kids, which made me feel very upset that my own brother didn't believe me, but that's not the point. The point is, he soon realized I wasn't lying. Medusa stopped acting nice one day and slammed her secret wicked card onto the table of playing cards. She trapped Crona and I into this really dark room and kept us there for hours, I wouldn't be able to tell you how many days passed before she would reopen that door. Of course, when she did allow light back into darkness, it wasn't for anything good. The only time she would let us out was to see if we could kill something living. I always refused to kill anything that wasn't evil, and Crona did too. We were only children, what did she expect us to do? Kill it and grow up to be mass murderers? Yeah, I don't so.

So, after multiple attempts and a few years, I told Crona I didn't know how much longer I could take it all. Every time I failed one of Medusa's cruel tests, she would degrade me. From screaming at me, to torturing me by slaughtering whatever poor animal she captured that time; I wanted to die every single time. Crona, being the brave brother he is, somehow got us out of that room on that one fateful night. He unlocked the front door, pushed me out into the streets, and whispered as loud as he could, "Go! I'll cover for you, just get out of here!"

I remember the tears that started forming in my eyes as I tried to persuade him, "But what about you? Come on, we can both escape!"

"No, you have to leave now! Medusa will only come after us both, but not if it's only you who's gone, now go!" I can still envision the way his eyes tippled in size when Medusa's yells erupted from inside. "Go, Kira!"

"I'll come back for you, Crona! I promise!" I swore to him as I bolted away from that horrid place that I once called home. Once I was out, I never turned back. I kept running, I didn't know where I was going but I didn't really care. Anywhere was better than there.

Sad, right? I don't know what Medusa did with him, but I'm sure it wasn't anything good. A couple of years after I ran away, I crawled back to that dreadful place to see if Crona was still encaged in her wicked clutches. I couldn't find anything, no Medusa, no Crona. That night I made a promise that I would go back for him, and he wasn't there. How was I supposed to fulfill that promise then? So, I decided to dedicate my life to finding him, 'cause my life would be meaningless if I couldn't save him from that witch. I have to find out where he is, or at least what happened to him; and let's just say, if the worst did occur and he's no longer even alive... Well, I don't like thinking about it, but... If he really is dead, then there's no reason for me to be alive anymore.

My Three Striped Reaper (Soul Eater Death The Kid) (Completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin