Sick Day

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I woke up to Seven pulling my blanket off of my body,
"Seven" I pulled my blanket back up but he got on my bed and licked my face
"What" he gave me four plane tickets for Greece and a letter, he whimpered and gave me his dough eyes
"I'm not feeling good today" he nudge the tickets
"We'll renew the tickets and go another day" he left and I went to shower, as I got dressed my vision blurred and I got really dizzy and called Chimyeol
"Chimyeol I don't feel good" I say
"I'm not in the building right now, I'm handling some bills and complaints" he says
"Okay, bye" I put on an oversized button up, shorts, and thigh socks then went to make myself some breakfast, I felt dizzy again and fell down making Seven come over and lay next to me
"Can you get me my phone" I was hit with a major head ache, I turned off my stove then sat in my living room
"Hello" Hanbin answered
"Are you busy" I ask
"Yes, why do you sound like you're crying" he asks
"It doesn't matter, you're busy" I say
"I can take a break if it's serious" he says
"I'll call somebody else" I hung up and called Bonghyuk
"Hello" he answers
"Do you have to work at the club tonight" I ask
"Yeah, are you okay" he asks
"I'm fine, you can go back to sleep" I hung up and called the next person on my contact list
"Hanbin said you were crying" Bobby says
"Are you busy too" I ask
"Yeah but I can come over if you need me to" he says
"It's fine" I called Buffy but he was clearly busy because it was really loud in the background so I called Bambam
"Hush it's Jazmyne... Hi" he says
"Are you busy" I ask
"Kind of, why are you crying" he asks
"Nevermind" I called Black Nut but he didn't answer so I just started calling people I thought were free and couldn't come up with anybody.
Bobby's POV
"We need ice cream" Hanbin says
"What's wrong with her" Chanwoo asks
"Maybe she's on her period" Jinhwan says
"She's magic, she doesn't get periods" I say
"Then what does she get" Junhoe asks
"She gets this demon virus that makes her go blind and deaf for a while but that only happens every 20 years" Hanbin says
"Maybe she's home sick" I say
"She doesn't have a home or a family though" Yunhyeong days
"Her adoptive grandparents said she dishonored the family and she got disowned" Jinhwan says
"Her dad also disowned her" Donghyuk says
"Her American parents also disowned her" Junhoe says
"We were technically forced to disown her because the media viewed her badly but it's not just us it's us along with every other male artist" Donghyuk says
"Maybe she caught a human sickness" we rushed to get medicine then we got her food and snacks and everything she needed for a sick day
"Are you sure we're going the right way" BI asks
"She moved" I say as I put in her key pin, I opened the door just as Jazmyne threw up
"Are you okay" I ask
"Why are you here, you shouldn't take work off for me" Jazmyne says
"Hanbin said we could stop practice to come help you while you're on your period" Donghyuk says
"I didn't say she was on her period!" Hanbin says
"I don't get periods" she says
"That's what Bobby said" Chanwoo says
"We got you food" Jinhwan came from her kitchen with a cup of ramen
"Thanks Jinhwan" she says
"Are you real people sick" Junhoe asks
"Yeah" we went to the living room and attempted to sit around her but Seven thought we were too close and started trying to push us away so we moved back and he got his cyclops toy then made us move forward
"How do you get real people sick" Chanwoo asks
"It only happens when a Goddess feels out of place or a Demon is home sick but don't have a place or a home and I'm half of both so it's worse for me than it is for someone who isn't a mixed breed" she sniffles
"Why are you sniffling if you aren't crying" Donghyuk asks
"I need to blow my nose but I'll burn the tissues if I try" I say
"Can we see" Chanwoo gave her the box and when she blew her nose flames and glitter came out
"Cool" we say
"How do people survive colds" Jazmyne asks
"We don't usually blow flames and glitter out of our noses" I say
"We have snot" Hanbin says
"That's gross" she sneezed we all ended up in robes with crowns... Well except for Titan she was wearing a princess dress and a tiara and Chester was a jester and Seven was wearing a dragon costume
"I'm sorry" she sniffles
"What's under your blanket" Jazmyne moved her blanket and she was wearing a really pretty fluffy dress but after a few seconds it turned to smoke and she was left in a short tight white dress, she pulled her blanket back and his her face in a pillow
"Why'd your dress disappear" I ask
"Only people with family that have true homes get to be royal and I don't have either" she cries
"I thought you had family around the world" Yunhyeong says
"I was disowned multiple times, I don't have family" she sniffles
"Wegun said you were upset about something and you were crying so I brought you donuts" Jay Park walked in her living room and paused
"Are you guys playing dress up" he asks
"Jazmyne has a real people cold" Chanwoo says
"So you're entertaining her" Jay asks
"No she sneezed" Yunhyeong says
"What do you mean" she sneezed again and Jay turned info a king too then gold and jewels flooded the floor
"Does she sneeze fairy tales" Jay asks
"Yes" I say
"How come she isn't a princess then" Jay asks
"Because she doesn't have a home or a family" Junhoe says
"Leave me alone" she snapped her fingers and her blanket lifted it's and folded up revealing her really big shirt she usually eats ice cream in, she stumbled off of her couch then snapped again and the treasures appeared in barrels
"Are you okay" Donghyuk asks
"I have a human disease, what kind of question is that" she sneezed again and there were really pretty girls with wings standing around
"Ooh" they bowed to us
"Hi" they fluttered around and have us kisses, Jazmyne sneezed again and her apartment turned into a castle and we were on thrones
"This sucks" Jazmyne was on the wall hanging by her wrists, she sneezed again and a bunch of rappers appeared
"What the hell" Just Music got her down from the wall and she sneezed again making them knights
"Why are we here" Reddy asks
"Jazmyne's sick" Jay says
"Why are we here though" Jazmyne sneezed again and idols appeared, she rubbed her nose and irrupted in a fit of sneezes and it was really cool to see her with dreadlocks especially since she had braid cuffs in her hair, and was wearing a black spandex bra, black and gold joggers, and had a gold sword
"Whoa" she sneezed again and there were female artists in dresses and male artists dressed to impress and the setting changed to a mansion, Jazmyne blew her nose and glitter went everywhere and music played
"Jazmyne I think you need to take some medicine" I took her to the kitchen and gave her the medicine, she coughed and her hair wasn't in dread locks but it was long and natural and she had a bun at the top of her head
"I don't feel good" she leaned on me
"I'm trying to help you" I have her some water and she helped me make actually food, when I finished she sneezed and it multiplied and we all sat at a bunch of tables in suits and dresses
"I need air" I followed Jazmyne out to the balcony and I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she looked
"I'm sorry" Jazmyne sniffles
"You didn't mean to sneeze up a bunch of stuff" I say
"But I did and I've sneezed everything out of whack and now there's gold and expensive stuff in both my houses and I got everybody involved" she says
"Well you're a demon goddess so it isn't contagious or anything" I say
"Yeah but you all said you were busy today and they'll probably get in trouble" she says
"They won't get in trouble, most of us were just making music" I say
"Are you sure" she asks
"Yeah and plus they would've checked on you when they were done anyway" I say
"Really" she asks
"Of course they would, you're part of the music industry therefore you're part of the Korean music industry and we're technically a family even though there are some controversies and scandals but real families have them too" I say
"Are you sure" she asks
"Yes" I hugged her
"Can I tell you a secret" she sniffles
"Of course" I say
"You can't tell anybody" she says
"I promise I won't tell anybody" I say
"My age is undetermined because my birth certificate was deleted from government files" she says
"I still love you so- uh I meant that you uh you're still um cool" I say
"You still love me" she asks
"No I was just saying stuff" I say
"You're a bad liar" she says
"Okay maybe I still love you but I refuse to hurt you again" I say
"That's so sweet" she hugged me and I couldn't help but hug her back, she sneezed and something flashed
"What was that" I ask
"The last of my cold, look" there were more stars in the sky than ever
"Whoa" we stood at the edge of the railing and watched stars shoot across the sky but my gaze soon shifted to Jazmyne and after a while she caught me staring
"What" she asks
"Nothing you just look really beautiful" she looked down
"Thanks" she says
"You shouldn't look down when you smile, you have a beautiful smile" I tilted her chin up and I took in her beautiful features, I leaned down and our lips brushed for a moment before I pulled her closer. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I rested my hands on the small of her back,
"Get some Bobby" I pulled away and Jay, Moon Swings, Keith Ape, and Jessi were at the doors
"Carry on" Jessi says
"Go away" I say
"Just ignore them" Jazmyne pulled me into another kiss and our lips moved in sync but no matter how much I loved kissing her I needed oxygen
"They grow up so fast" Swings says
"Too fast if you ask me" Keith says
"Go away" Jazmyne says
"Do I need to buy condoms for you two" Jay asks
"She's not gonna have sex with him" Keith says
"I wanna be an Uncle" Swings says
"Nobody's having children" Keith says
"Jessi" Jazmyne says
"Let them be alone" Jessi says
"Don't touch her inappropriately" Keith says
"He will" Jay says
"She can't stay out there if he's gonna touch her!" Keith says
"He won't" Jessi closed the door and pulled the curtains closed
"I'm sorry" she says
"It's fine" I say
"You can't date" Okasian and Jay All Day grabbed her
"Bye Jiwon" she says
"Don't talk to him" Okasian says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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