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Jiyong's POV
"Mom!" She's so rude
"What now" mom asks
"He won't let me date Seunghyun!" Jazmyne says
"Because he's my friend!" I say
"Calm down" she sat us next to each each
"So why can't she date Seunghyun" mom asks
"Because he's weird and ever since I joined Big Bang I said if I had a sister she would marry Taeyang or at least TOP, Seungri isn't even that pretty I don't understand why she wants him" I say
"Why do you want Seungri" she asks
"Because he's sweet and nice and when I first associated with Big Bang G wouldn't even let TOP or Taeyang talk to me in front of him so if I were to date anyone in Big Bang I would only have to choice and Daesung almost crushed me when I first got a hug from him" Jazmyne says
"Why wouldn't you let her talk to them" she asks
"Because I would've thrown up if they started kissing but I guess I was expecting a lot too early and I scared her away from them, I'm sorry I acted like such a jerk and forced you to be with Seungri" I say
"I'm sorry I asked to date Seungri and I'll think about dating Taeyang or TOP" we hugged
Time Skip
"Where's your sister" TOP asks as he walked in with the others
"Work, why" I ask
"No reason" he went to his room
"Does Jazz know where we live" Daesung asks
"Yeah, why" I ask
"Nothing" he started cleaning
"Can your sister cook" Taeyang asks
"Yeah, why" I ask
"I'm going grocery shopping" he says
"Is Jazmyne coming over today" Seungri asks
"I don't know, why" he left me wondering why everybody was asking about my sister
"Is your sister dating Taeil" Daesung asks
"She doesn't have a boyfriend, why" I ask
"Nothing" someone knocked on the door and before I could take a step towards the door the others ran to the door and moved aside to let in Jazmyne and they moved right behind her
"I need your phone number in my contacts" she says
"Okay" I put my number in her phone and she put hers in mine
"I need your number too" TOP says
"Hm... Okay" she put her number in his phone and Taeyang quickly ran in and put the stuff down then hugged Jazmyne
"Hey Dongsaeng" he says
"Hey" she says
"Can you teach me how to cook" he asks
"I have to finish working, I just came to get G's number" she says
Jazmyne's POV
"You need my number too" Taeyang took my phone and put his number in
"I'll see you when I see you" I say
"Tonight" Seungri asks
"I'll see what I can do, and mom wants you to come with me to drop off her mail" G came with me
"Why are you lying" he asks
"Because your friends all over me" I say
"Well you did ignore our existence for 7 years" he says
"That doesn't mean that I have to make up for 7 years in a week" I say
"Maybe they just want to experience being around a black girl" he says
"So if I were Korean they'd act differently" I ask
"You have a plan" he sighs
"Yep" I say
"Of course" he sighs
"I'll do it at a later time though since I have a date" I say
"Okay" he says

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