Over Protective

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"Can we go get your sister" Daesung asks
"She has to do a management thing for the rest of the week" I say
"Ugh" they groaned
"What the hell" if I didn't know better I would've sworn they liked my sister
"Come on, I'm only doing this because your manager had to help ikon for their tour" they brightened up
"You look so cute" Daesung and Seungri pinched her cheeks
"I just had a shoot" she pushed their hands away
"What's wrong" Taeyang slung his arm over her shoulder
"Donggab promised me a piggy back ride then went out with Joonkyung" she says
"I'll take you to the truck" TOP says
"Now I have a skirt on" she says
"I'll give you a piggy back tomorrow" he picked her up bridal style then ran to the truck
"You can sit in my lap Jagi" Taeyang says
"I'm stronger than him" Seungri says
"Let me do it" Daesung says
"I'll do it" TOP says
"She's sitting in the front" they groaned and I rolled my eyes
Time Skip
"Why couldn't Jazmyne stay longer than a day" Taeyang complained
"Why do you guys like her so much!" I couldn't take it anymore
Jazmyne's POV
"Why can't their manager do it, I don't want to meet any parents" I say
"Just do it" JYP says
"No because if I have to meet their parents than I promise I won't date or marry any of them or anything, I don't like meeting parents because it's weird and they think I speak English and give me strange looks and I don't like it" I say
"Jazmyne" he says
"I will stop talking to them just to not have to meet their parents" I say
"Jazmyne it's just business, you won't have to marry them" he says
"I don't wanna" I whine
"You don't have anything more productive to do" he says
"What if they don't like me or they're racist or think I'm a slut" I whine
"Then their manager will do it next time, please just do me this favor" he says
"Fine but I won't like it" I went and picked up the parents from the airport then went back to JYP to discuss Got7's success
"Any questions" I ask
"Are you their manager" Mark's dad asks
"I'm a business associate" I say
"We're you born here" Kunpimook's mom asks
"No" I say
"Where are the boys" Jaebum's mom asks
"They're practicing" I say
"Can we see them" Jin Young's mom asks
"Sure" I took them to the practice room and instead of hugging their parents they hugged me
"You should be hugging your parents" I say
"Oh" they let go of me and realised their parents were in the room, I stood their awkwardly while they reunited with their parents and felt a chain appear on my neck. I tried hard not to open it because I knew it was from somebody in my family, I took it from around my neck inside the locket was a picture of my dad and I playing football in Central Park 2 years ago. Without crying I put the locket in my dress pocket only for another necklace to appear, every time I took off a peice of jewelry another appeared. By the time my pocket was full I swore he was free and just trying to make me forgive him and cry but I wouldn't crack anytime soon, I left the room and accidentally ran into Got7's manager but I let him know what was going and he took his position back so I went back to Golden to continue looking for artists.
I had to keep taking off jewelry with Cipher family symbols on it but I eventually got annoyed and used a counter spell to make them appear on my desk,
"What happened" Eskimo walked in my office
"My whole life collapsed for about half a week but I fixed it so I'm good" I tried to hide my tears since my laptop screen had pictures of me with my family popping up every 10 seconds
"Why are you crying" he pulled me up from my chair and hugged me
"My dad disowned me and took everything I had and now he's sending me a bunch of jewelry and being petty" I sniffle
"It's okay baby" he says
"No it's not, I had to send all of my artists away to other labels and I don't know where any of them are" I say
"Baby listen to me, stop crying" he wiped my tears away and moved my hair from my eyes
"When did this happen" he asks
"A couple of months ago" I say
"Is your life better now or was it better before" he asks
"Now" I say
"Is your melanin still popping" he asks
"Yes" I say
"Is your hair still curly" he asks
"Yes" I say
"You still look cute, you're still chocolate, you still have curves, and you more successful than ever, why are you crying over something you fixed over a month ago" he asks
"Because I miss my daddy" I say
"You don't need a father, matter of fact you don't need anybody that would put you through so much because you're too sweet to go through anything so horrible and all you need is me so gimme some kisses" he says
"You're a dork" I giggle
"But I'm your dork so I need at least one kiss" he says
"I love your dorkiness" I say
"And I love this dress" I hit his chest
"You're supposed to say it back" I say
"I love you too Bunny" he says
"I still need to find some artists though" I say
"No you need to find some rappers and have a crew but you can do that later because you said as soon as I got off of military duty you would come with me to America and meet my parents" I say
"When did I say I'm going to meet your parents" I ask
"You just did" he says
"You're sly" I say
"I have to be sly if I want a bunny" he says
"That was cheesy" I went to the recording studio and pulled up my completely computer generated beat
"This is our song now" Eskimo walked in
"Get out I need to write" I say
"Just freestyle, I'll do it with you" he put some headphones on and restarted the beat
"This world ain't nothing but crazy
I'm out here working trying to make it
Girl it's so tough in this city" he sung
"You play to much" I say
"I know, so baby feel me" he pulled me close and I rested my hands on his chest
"I need something to feel baby
So my spirit can heal" he rested wrapped his arms around me
"I need you too wrap them chocolate legs round me" he says
"Oh my goodness" I say
"Dance with me, so when I come home tonight you'll make everything all right when you wrap them chocolate legs round me" he swayed
"The memories of my day will quickly just fade away, can you just wrap them chocolate legs round me" he vocalized while changing the beat
"Chocolate lady get away tonight" he sang
"Get down" I sang
"Cause tonight we gone do what we want to" he started dancing with me again
"Let's stop before we break something" he stopped recording and sat me in his lap so we could make a beat together.
Time Skip
"You aren't supposed to be interviewing me" I whine
"I am now, so who have you been with while I was doing military duty" he asks
"Jay Park, Bobby, and JB but I'm pretty that's it" I say
"Finally no Zico, anyways I will find all of your haters and read their comments on you because I know you have a hate page on Twitter" he took a while to find it
"Why can't she go back where she came from with her fake self" he read
"I'm 100% real actually and not be a smart ass but I have family here" I say
"Why is she dressing like trash to see Got7, she's supposed to be dressed up" he read
"Well when I dress up people say I look like a slut because I'm not flat and it I dress up in Street wear I look like trash apparently so unless you're giving me permission to wear my pajamas in public then you should make up your mind" I say
"Why is she in messing with Asians if us black dudes here chilling trying to find a good one, you messing with the wrong men and you need to get your ass back to America and get you real black dude and not some confused mixed boys" he read

"Well when I was in America I was too dark for y'all black dudes and I'm too dark for the men here too but they're respectful and don't flat out say she nasty and dark and I'm not fitting to fucks with her because she dark, how can y'all black dudes date ever color of the rainbow and get praised but I can't date date a mixed guy or even someone of another race without getting criticized and mind you I said one so quick tripping because I don't fucks with pimps just how you don't fucks with dark skin" I say

"I like the Asian representation but you ain't black enough, you're hair be in cornrows and crotchets and other protective styles and you my be silent in English and African languages and you may have the body of a black woman but you talk white and you straighten your hair sometimes and you don't rap about anything dealing with family or struggle and you don't listen to black people music and most importantly you don't eat" he read

"First off I can either be ghetto, country, or proper when I talk to people because it's a reflex and if I talk ghetto I can't speak Korean because they don't have that kind of alternative so the most I can do is drop particles, the reason my hair is straight sometimes is because I officially have 10 businesses and I don't have time to style and tame my hair in the morning and I'm not trying to look ratchet because some people here haven't ever seen a black person in real life so if my hair look crappy they gone go off of what they see and what the internet gives them and assume that all black girls have nasty hair but fine if that's what you want them to think then you can come here and look ratchet but you got me fucked up, I rap about struggles all the time but you probably can't tell anyway because it's not in English and most people just listen to the beat and watch out for curse words because most people curse in English so before you start jumping on my rapping skills I suggest you look at the lyrics, I obviously listen to black people music since black people created rag, jazz, and hiphop and I listen to those three things depending on my mood and just because it's not in English doesn't mean it's not hiphop because music has no language barrier and Dok2, Swings, Jay Park and all of the other Korean rappers are a lot cuter and nicer than those cheating, abusive, arrogant rappers that rap in America and you can't say they aren't because then your lying because they're fine as hell and I know more than 50% of you thirsty little girls call them daddy and have them as your screensavers and I know that you do because I know English and y'all nasty and thirsty and it's really fun to read your fanfictions and stuff so thank you for that Tumblr, Wattpad, and fangirls... but anyway I listen to black people music from all over the world and I need you to respect that, and last but not least who told you I don't eat because bitch I can throw down and if I didn't work out I wouldn't be as cute because my frame don't match that life style and if I were an XL y'all would be making fun of me and I would have to eat you too because the best way to get rid of bullies is with some hot sauce and a side of fries and I will not hesitate to start sending fries to people because y'all need to eat your own bullies but not literally because that's weird and illegal so for now you need to be a boss ass bitch and you need to slay and stay away from them fries and get on dem fitness sites and get the 80% less fat potato chips and sip yo tea like the Queen you are and when people try come for you and just look behind yourself and say bitch who, bitch where, da fuck, you blind, or be proactive and ignore that bitch but what I'm trying to say is... Bitch I throw down and if I need to start taking pictures of my food then I will" I say

"Let me catch my breath" Eskimo was on the floor laughing
"I told you I can either be ghetto, country, or proper" I say
"You know we'll have to censor a bunch of stuff right" he says
"They're all going to hear curse words eventually" I say
"Will I get a kiss eventually because you would give me a kiss if I do this" he says
"No I didn't you just want to kiss me" I say
"I'll start singing again if you don't give me a kiss" he says
"You've already stolen like 1000 kisses since I've known you" I say
"I need something to feel so my spirit can heal baby, when you gone wrap them chocolate legs round me" he sang
"I don't care anyway" I say
"We don't need a car or a plane, bus or a train for where we bout to go all you need is you and me, sex trip.
Sex trip, let's go all night let go all night" he sang
"You aren't getting any kisses" I say
"Why not" he whines
"Because I said so" I tried to leave but he hugged me from behind
"Koosung you play too much" I say
"I'll take you out for lunch and we'll go shopping and we can go to your favorite bakery and I'll talk to your little old lady friend and I'll even find you some artists if you just give me one kiss" he says
"That's a lot" I say
"Your lips are really soft and they taste really good and I'll do anything just for a kiss, please" he pleaded
"I would but I don't know where your face has been for the past 4 months because I know what today's date it is" I say
"Oh shit, I have to go catch up with somebody" he let go of me
"I don't mess with players" I say
"I'll leave you in your emotions for now and come back when you've forgiven me" he quickly looked around for his jacket
"I guess I won't see you ever again" I say

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