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Max's POV
"Did you have to be so brutal" Mark asks
"Yes" I say
"You hurt her feelings pretty bad" JB says
"I know" I say
"She's actually crying you know" I closed my budget book
"Maybe if you inconsiderate assholes would grow some balls and act like you were raised by some decent women I wouldn't have to be so brutal on her, I don't like hurting my princess but every time some jerk gets too close I have to push her away from him" they were quiet as they should've been the whole time
"You guys should be playing, this shoot is important" I blew the whistle and they continued playing
"Max" I looked down and Jazmyne had on her glasses and was holding her diary
"What" I hated my inability to sound gentle and be caring
"I'm hungry" she sniffles
"Did you check the lounge" she had changed into leggings and an oversized sweater and put her hair in a bun just because of what I said
"I don't want any of those things" she sniffles
"Pri- Jazmyne I'm busy right now, do it yourself" I say
"But you said-
"Ba- Jazmyne, I'll bring you some food later" I say
"Can you go to that American place" she asks
"Yes" I groan
"Can you also get shorter" she asks
"Jazmyne" I say
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see you smile" she says
"Go back to your cabinet" I say
"Okay" she says
"Get back to work" I blew the whistle and they got back to playieng
Time Skip
"The food is here" the boys stopped playing video games and started eating
"Where are you going" Mark asks
"I have some errands to run" I say
"We're done for the day" Jay asks
"I'll think about it" I got my brief case and went to the American food place to get Jazmyne some food then went to Golden
"I have your food" I entered her office just as she left her filing cabinet
"You look like dork" she says
"It's hard to look like a stud when I'm working all the time" I put her food on her desk
"Of course" she rolled her eyes
"I look better now than when I'm flying around the world" I say
"When are you leaving again" she asks
"I have to go to Dubai for a playboy meet up and some clothing trials for female swim wear, I leave in a- she kissed me
"You should go back in your cabinet and take a nap because if you can't tell, I'm not your boyfriend plus I already told you that nobody loves you or cares about you and I'm not an exception" she ran to her cabinet and I went to the hall
"Why would I do that if I like her?!" I went to my office and started working so I could get my mind off of her.
Time Skip
"My princess is out somewhere with some guy I don't know and it's all because I was stupid and didn't kiss her back" I say
"She'll find her way back" Akio says
"Unless she got drunk and careless because that's gonna take a police report" Moa says
"You aren't helping" I say
"You're the one that hurt her feelings" Moa says
"It's not my fault!" I say
"According to Mark you told her no one would ever care for her or love her and that you were tired of protecting her so you sent her to her office" Akio says
"You said that to Jazmyne?! I wouldn't even say that and I'm always mean to her when I come to Korea! I'm going to look for her!" Moa stood up to leave but Akio stopped him
"You can't just go out and start busting skulls, I'll find her and you two will apologize" Akio says
"Sit down and be quiet" Moa sat down and Akio did some work on my laptop then started making calls
"I could kill you in 63 different ways" Moa and I looked at each other then at the usually very chill blonde Japanese- Korean European guy we thought wouldn't hurt a roach
"Come on" we went with Akio and he took us to a car we didn't know he had, he took us into a vacant club then under the stage a few meters
"Password" a person asked
"Don't fuck with me T" Akio says
"Akio" he asked
"Yeah" the door opened and cloud of smoke covered the room
"Put out those cigars" the room went silent when Akio walked in
"Where's my people" they brought out Jazmyne and a guy tied up in a chair
"Untie her!" They untied her and took the tape off of her mouth
"What'd I tell you knuckle heads about treating ladies" Akio asks
"But she-
"Don't contradict me! If I constantly tell you to treat women correctly why would I make you hurt one now hurry up" they gave Jazmyne to Akio and he hugged her then kissed her forehead
"Did they hurt you" Akio asks
"No" she sniffles
"Are you lying" he asks
"No" says
"Go to Nasuki" she went to a tall brunette and Akio went to the guy
"What'd you do with her" he asks
"Nothing" he says
"I don't believe you" Akio says
"I was informed by a DMC gang that some douche bag broke her heart and that she was feeling reckless and I was already out so I got her and took her home with me before somebody could hurt her" he says
"Why are you so smug" Akio asks
"Because I know I didn't do anything" he says
"Jazmyne did he hurt you" Akio asks
"No" she says
"Untie him" they untied the guy and when he was up Jazmyne hugged him and I couldn't be jealous because I rejected her
"So what's your name" Akio asks
"Rambo" Jazmyne says
"Rinboku but she calls me that" he says
"How'd you know where she was" Akio asks
"I'm a hacker so as long as she's around a camera or really anything dealing with technology I can find her but I don't ever have to use it since she always tells me where's she's going" he says
"Really" Akio asks
"I like inviting him places but he never goes anywhere so I always offer to take him places" she says
"Why do you try to take him places" Akio asks
"Because all he does is work out and hack stuff, he said I could take him out today" Jazmyne looked so happy with him it almost made me sick, she was holding his hand and I hated it.
Jazmyne's POV
"This is my technology store" I took Rambo into Golden Droid and he spent the whole time on a laptop
"Rambo" he wasn't paying any attention to me anymore and I knew he wasn't going to anytime soon so I went to Golden to take a nap in my filing cabinet but there was a guard at my door I went to my place in Hongdae
"Jazmyne" I looked up to see Bobby
"No go away, I don't want anybody to mess with me anymore" I say
"I bought you some candy" he says
"I don't wanna be bribed with candy, I want a real friend now get out" I say
"I am your friend" he says
"No you aren't, all you ever do is use me" I say
"What's wrong with you" he sat down on my bed
"Go away or I'll tell Akio on you" I couldn't keep back my tears
"Just tell me what's wrong" he took my blanket away from me then hugged me
"Leave me alone or I'll hit you" I sniffle
"Tell me what's wrong" he wrapped his arms around me
"I want friends but nobody cares about me or loves me and I always get my feelings hurt so I'm not going to be anybody's friend so I don't get hurt, can you please leave me alone" I cried
"I can't leave you like this" he says
"You left me before" I say
"This is different" he says
"It's only different because you didn't cheat on me to make me cry this time" I sniffle
"It's different because I already hurt you and I don't want to do it again" he kissed me gently and no matter how much I wanted to get away from him I couldn't do it because I wanted to be loved
"Jiwon are you going to hurt me again" I ask
"Never again" he says
"I... I don't believe you" I say
"If you were my friend you would believe me" he says
"I just don't want to get hurt, I didn't mean to hurt your feeling... I'm a bit upset myself so I'm sorry" I sniffle
"I was just kidding" he hugged me tightly
"Oh well can... Can I cry alone" I ask
"No but you can cry on me" he says
"But Max said-
"Didn't Max hurt you" he asks
Time Skip
"Akio!" I ran to him
"What's wrong cupcake" he asks
"I don't wanna stay here all by myself, nobody cares about me or loves me and you're the only one who does but you're leaving me" I say
"Well you can't come will me baby girl, I'm going to be working nonstop and you'll be all alone" I got my hopes up for no reason
"But I don't wanna stay here and if go with you I can see you at night or at least once in a while maybe" I say
"Jazmyne please don't guilt me into staying" he says
"I- I... I didn't mean t- to... Guilt you... I'm s- sorry... I'll g- go" he pulled me to his chest
"You can't come but if you stop crying I'll bring you some candy when I come back in a few months or years" he says
"I don't even wanna go anymore... I'll leave by myself!" I pushed him off and went to Malaysia to have a better life.

Together?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora