I know you

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"Woo Jiho" I knocked on his door
"Who is it" he asks
"Taeil" he opened the door
"You suck at doing his voice" he says
"I know" I say
"If you came over for something I can't right now" he says
"I didn't come over for anything but if I did why would I have to wait" I ask
"Because I'm single and I initiate all of our kisses when you come over without thinking" he says
"So you have a girl here" I ask
"If you give me 15 minutes she can be gone" he says
"I just came to make you food so you wouldn't starve today" I say
"Hello" a voice said
"Oh shit" he muttered
"Go get your girl" I started making his breakfast and he went to talk to the girl
"I only want some- I was fitting to be real petty
"Who are you" I ask
"I uh Jiho" she called
"Do you want something to eat" I ask
"Uh I-
"Take a seat" she sat down and I gave her Zico's plate then made him another one
"So who are you" she asks
"His girlfriend" I say
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know he had a girlfriend" she said
"I'm just joking" I say
"Oh" she says
"Jiho and I are just friends" I say
"Okay" she says
"What are you guys" I ask
"Uh I don't know" she says
"What do you and Jiho usually do" I ask
"Stay in and do stuff" she says
"Oh well I have to go cook for somebody else so I'll talk to you if you're here again" I have Jiho his plate and he gave me that 'You're so petty' as I left
"Who is it" Jay asks groggily
"Is this Park Jaybeom's house" I squeal
"No I'm Mark check downstairs" he said
"I don't believe you" I say
"One moment" I waited a few minutes then he opened the door in an oversized grey sweat shirt, basketball shorts, glasses, and a beanie
"How long did it take you to find a shirt" I ask
"Shut up" he pulled me into a hug
"I came to make you breakfast" I say
"Okay, I'll sleep at the table then" I rolled my eyes as he went and sat at his table, I made him a big breakfast and he payed me with a kiss on the cheek and after I cooked for him I went to make my brother breakfast
"Hi" Daesung said
"Hey Oppa" I went and made G some breakfast but for some reason he was with Kiko so I just let Daesung eat his food then went to go pick up IKON's dietary breakfast and made them some matcha boba to go with it then went to make EXO, Got7, and Bangtan their dietary breakfasts and made them get up then I went and got YG, JYP, and Max their coffees then ran some errands for Hi Lite, AOMG, JM, and Illionaire and to finish off my morning I had to cuss out Eskimo, I got Nitro, Lace, Wook, Kreme, and Hoon back with Golden, and got three new artists
"Kismi you have to put more effort into the singing" I say
"Okay" we finished the video with few mess ups
"Can we eat now" Cake asks
"Yes" we went inside and Kaekeu went straight to the egg tarts but I couldn't really say anything about eating healthy since I went straight to the donuts
"What did I tell you about donuts" I turned to see Akio and fell out of my seat
"You said they're good" he pulled me up
"But to eat them in moderation" he hugged me and kissed my forehead
"Don't hog her" Moa tore me from Akio's grip and hugged me
"Don't break her" Akio says
"I won't break her" he put me down and Boonsri nearly knocked me over
"Don't hurt her" Max pulled me away from her and gave me a carrot cake donut
"We're muscular people not hulks" Moa says
"Jazmyne's still a baby" Max says
"But she-
"All she does is work" Max says
"She'll bite you if you take her donut" Max says
"Jazmyne" I looked up to see Mrs. Seob and Mrs. Kwon smiling at me, I put my donut down and went to hug them
"Shouldn't you two be home" I ask
"We aren't that old" my mom says
"What are you doing here" they took me to a small table
"We were talking at the market and we were talking about our children" Mrs. Seob says
"And we want you to try being with Kihyung" my mom says
"You two are so cute together and you already know each other so it won't be that hard" Mrs. Seob says
"You don't have to get married anytime soon but when you do we want grandchildren" my mom says
"Okay" my face was extremely hot
"We'll be shopping in one of your stores if you need us" my mom pinched my cheek and Mrs. Seob hugged me
"Ms. Golden there's a boy at the front desk asking for you" Minskoni says over the intercom, I went to the front and got them to let the boy in
"Jazmyne" Kihyung picked me up and kissed me as he twirled me around
"Hey Kihyung Oppa" I say
"Our parents want us to get married" he says
"They just told me" I say
"Do you want to marry me" he asks
"Yeah" I say
"No you don't" he says
"I do but they want grandchildren" I say
"Can you not give kids" he asks
"I can but I don't want to trust anybody enough to do things like that" I say
"What do you mean" he asks
"I don't wanna get hurt again" I say
"I won't play with you and plus if I did my mom would kill me so you wouldn't have anybody to marry for a while" he says
"Kihyung I'm serious" I say
"You don't have to have kids and you possibly won't get married anytime soon so you can think it over as long as you want, I've supported you since New York and this decision won't change that" he says
"Okay" I say
"You can trust me" he hugged me
"I want to trust you" I say
"Then I'll do whatever it takes to help you trust me" he says
"A kiss might help" I say
"Kisses always help" he leaned down and gently kissed me making fireworks go off in my stomach
"Jazmyne" I love Kihyung's kisses so pulling away is like a nightmare
"Hey Oppa" Swings hugged me
"Who's that guy" Jay asks
"I don't like him" Dok2 says
"You guys want me to be single forever" I say
"Isn't he the guy from your Instagram" Swings asks
"Yeah, don't-
"Hey you come talk with me" Swings took him down a hall
"I'm perfectly fine with you being single forever" Dok2 says
"Same here" Jay says
"Well my mom wants me to marry him and his mom wants him to marry me and they're pretty close so there isn't much anybody could do" I say
Time Skip
"You said I could think it over" I say
"You can" Kihyung says
"Why are we at a jewelry store" I ask
"I'm just showing you off, not a lot of regular everyday people get to be with you" he says
"That's sweet" I say
"I don't really have a reason to be here since my mom made me get you a ring yesterday" he pulled out a gold ring and put it it on my finger
"How much did this cost" I ask
"It doesn't matter" he says
"Kihyung, I don't want you spending money on me" I say
"Why" he asks
"Teacher!" I felt two people run into my legs and hug them tightly
"We missed you so much teacher" I looked down to see Jungsun and Eunho hugging my legs
"Hey guys" I picked them up
"Teacher, we're going to your day care next week will you be there" Jungsun asks
"What day" I ask
"Tuesday Wednesday Thursday" Eunho says
"Well I could come see you guys and take you on a field trip" I say
"Yay" they cheer
"Teacher there's a man staring at you" Jungsun whispered loudly
"That's my boyfriend" I say
"What about Mr. Bobby" Eunho asks
"Mr. Bobby and I broke up" I say
"But he was your husband" Jungsun says
"We divorced then" I say
"But Mr. Zico was tall, why aren't you married with him" Eunho asks
"Mr. Zico and I divorced too" I say
"What about Mr. Park" Jungsun asks
"We got divorced too" I say
"Why" they ask
"Because Kihyung is better" I say
"Then who's he" Eunho asks
"Kihyung" I called
"Hi" he said
"Eunho and Jungsun this is my boyfriend, Kihyung" I put them down and they climbed up Kihyung
"How are you better than Mr. Bobby and Mr. Zico and Mr. Park" Jungsun asks
"Why are you and teacher marrying" Eunho asks
"When did teacher become your wife" Jungsun asks
"Why are you so tall" Eunho asks
"Boys" I say
"Yes Teacher" they ask
"He's from America" they gasped
"Can we go to America with you" Jungsun asks
"When are you going back to America" Eunho asks
"Can we go to New York" Jungsun asks
"Wait" Eunho says
"Do you speak English" they ask
"What's so interesting about English" Kihyung asks
"Can you teach us English" Eunho asks
"Please Teacher's husband" Jungsun says
"I'll bring him next week, go back to your parents" I say
"We're here with Eunho's Aunt" Jungsun says
"And Jungsun's Uncle" Eunho says
"Where are they" I ask
"We don't wanna go with them" Jungsun says
"You have to" I say
"Teacher's husband, do we have to" Jungsun asks
"Say no" Eunho says
"Yes" Kihyung says
"Awe man" we took them to their guardians
"We're sorry if you were worried" I say
"It's okay teacher" Eunho says
"I'm Eunho's Aunt Horoo" she says
"I'm their old teacher, Jazmyne" I say
"Eunho talks about you all the time" she says
"I'm sorry" I say
"It's fine, oh this is my fiancé um-
"Mori" Jungsun says
"Mori" she says
"This is my boyfriend Kihyung" I say
"Hi" Kihyung bowed and they started talking
"Uncle Mori is Japanese, he doesn't know Korean" Jungsun says
"Hi I'm Jazmyne, I'm Jungsun's old teacher" he looked up from his phone
"You speak Japanese" he asks
"Yeah" I say
"Do you teach languages" he asks
"No I'm a business owner, how about you" I ask
"I'm- what the hell?!" I turned around and Kihyung and Horoo were kissing, Kihyung wasn't holding her but he was kissing back
"Ew" the boys say
"I'd marry you right now" Horoo says
"Horoo!" Mori pulled her away from Kihyung
"You're full of bull crap" I threw the ring on the ground and kept my tears back
"She kissed me" Kihyung says
"But you kissed back" I say
"Aunt Horoo didn't mean it teacher" Eunho says
"Jazmyne" I left the store
Time Skip
"Mom I didn't mean to kiss back" Kihyung says
"You ruined it!" His mom cried
"I'm sorry" Kihyung says
"I thought I raised you right" Mr. Seob held his wife
"Go to your room son" Mr. Seob says
"Now I'm stuck with her crying" G says
"Jiyong" mom says
"We're sorry our son broke your daughter's heart" Mr. Seob says
"It's okay, are we still have lunch tomorrow Sumiol" mom asks
"Of course Minseuk" they hugged and my dad shook hands with Mr. Seob and we left.
I went back to work the next day and hid in my filing cabinet with pillows and blankets,
"Bunny" I heard Bobby's voice and instantly turned my phone off
"Max shouldn't have to call your ex boyfriends every time you're upset" JB says
"We know you're in here" Zico says
"We have donuts" Jay says
"Zico and Bobby will let you play with their hair" Mark said making me giggle
"Mark will let you play with his hair too" Zico says
"And JB" Bobby says
"I didn't even say anything" JB said making me burst into a fit of giggles
"We'll pie Jay in the face if you come out" Bobby says
"When did I agree to that" I laughed out loud and they opened my filing cabinet
"Why the hell do you have so many blankets and pillows in here" Jay asks
"I didn't want to be found" I say as they lift my in my blanket
"Why are you wearing a skirt" Zico asks
"Because I can" I dusted myself off and got my Molang toy, when I looked up they were staring at me
"What" I ask
"Nothing" they looked down with smirks clear on their faces
"Where are my donuts" I ask
"Uh" they didn't say anything
"I'll get my own donuts" I left my office and they followed me
"Why do you have your bunny toy" Max stopped me
"Because I was hiding with my blankets and pillows" I say
"Why are you pouting" he asks
"Because Jay lied to me about having donuts" I say
"Why are you wearing a skirt" he asks
"Because I can" I say
"Jazmyne" he says
"... Hiro sent it to me... as an apology present... Along with a bunch of other stuff" I say
"And those things" he asks
"Sweets" I say
"And" he says
"And a few stuffed animals but that's it" I say
"Jazmyne" he says
"And cute outfits" I say
"And what does he want" he asks
"Nothing" I say
"Jazmyne" he says
"He just wants me to forgive him" I say
"What happened to Haerin" he asks
"I don't know" I say
"I hate doing this" he sighed
"What" I ask
"He's just going to use you again and after he gets it he'll throw you away, you won't find anybody who cares for you and truly loves you so stop being so trust worthy and go back to hiding in your office because you just get hurt every time you come into the real world and I'm tired of protecting you from everything so just give me a break today and stay away from the real world" I ran back to my office with tears in my eyes

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