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"We aren't a Kpop group" LJ says
"But you're girls" Dok2 says
"We don't sing bubbly stuff" Lolita says
"You're dressed bubbly" Swings says
"We aren't a girl group" Kitty says
"But you're girls" Dok2 says
"That's sexist" Rose says
"I didn't expect Jazz to sign a girl group first" Jay says
"We aren't a girl group" Sasha says
"You look like a girl group" Keith says
"We aren't a girl group" Love says
"Are you guys sure you aren't a girl group" Okasian asks
"We aren't a girl group?!" They shout
"Are you sure" Dok2 asks
"You look like a girl group" Swings says
"Yeah" Okasion and Keith say
"You're girls in a group so that seems like the right term" Jay says, they stormed out and I face palmed
"Now that they're gone who's this guy you plan on marrying on your Instagram" Swings asks
"He's my American friend, none of you should care" I say
"I don't even talk to you in person and I care" Keith says
"I have a bets with people about who you end up with" Dok2 says
"You're growing up too fast, I did a collaboration with you no more than a year ago about excitement and now you're about to tie yourself down" Okasion says
"I support you on most of your decisions and I'm glad you've found yourself a person you can trust but I refuse to congratulate you on something like this" Jay says
"I'm not getting married, it was a statement not a promise" I say
"Good because nobody's good enough for you" Swings says
"That's offensive" Dok2 says
"It's true" Swings says
"Why would it be such a big deal, Mad Clown got married a few weeks ago" I say
"It just would" Jay says
"Jazmyne I'm ready to meet your fiance" I turned around and G Dragon was jumping up and down
"Why are you all taking things out of context" I ask
"So you aren't getting married" G asks
"No" I say
"But I don't want my members hitting on you any more" he says
"Go back to work Oppa" I say
"You killed my vibe" he said as he walked out
"Boys are so annoying" I grumble
"What language even is that" Keith asks
"Well it turns out Jazmyne's first languages were Portuguese and Latin so maybe it's one of them" I punched Jay in the arm and he groaned
"You hit like a man" Jay says
"No I hit like a professional fighter" I say
"I didn't know those were your first languages" Swings says
"She also spent some of her childhood in Brazil, South America" I punched Dok2 in the arm
"Aya!" He groaned
"I think she doesn't like you guys telling her business" Keith says
"No" Jay said sarcastically
"Well I'll take her out to relax while you two heal, Swings and Keith will help you heal come on hops" Okasian took my hand and ran away
"Where are we going" I ask
"No where that would make you scared or uncomfortable" he says
"Well I'm scared of you and the rest of The Cohort 90% of the time so you can only leave me somewhere" I say
"Why are you scared" he asks
"Because I was always told that you guys were mean and did bad stuff so I was always scared, I only ever work with any of you when Jay sets something up" I say
"Why, I'm nice to you all the time and so is everyone else" he says
"But I'm a female" I say
"It's not because you're a girl, it's because you're a good person and I'm not going to work with you anymore unless you call me yourself" he says
"Why" I ask
"Because you're childish and immature, we should be scared of you bit we clearly aren't and it's not because we're men" he says
"Why should you be scared of me" I ask
"You're a professional MMA fighter, a professional boxer, you know people in gangs, mobs, and mafias, you know drug dealers, smugglers, hackers, basically every kind of criminal, and both the US and South Korean army know you, you know parkour and have the strength, agility, flexibility, and street credentials to jump from building to building in some parts of Seoul and Hongdae, and you're smart enough to make a car that hovers without polluting the air but we're a lot scarier than you" he says
"I'm not scared to the point of doing anything" I say
"Look me in my face and say you aren't scared enough to hit me" he says
"We're in public, this isn't the time for negotiations and tests" he started running again and we went to his house and it didn't help with my fear so I'd probably visibly be lying if I said I'm not scared enough to hit him
"Look me in my eyes and say you aren't scared enough to do something to me" I looked everywhere but his eyes and couldn't say anything so I just examined him and realized that he was really pretty, he was this perfect mixture of handsome and cute that just made him pretty but I accidentally looked into his eyes and my fear was back and I shit down completely making magic flow from my fingers and my hair get a bit curlier and as that happened it got cold and I didn't know why but this only happened when I was scared and it was some curse that could only be canceled out by the equal amount of affection as fear and it seemed like it would be more than a hug but I honestly couldn't do anything since I was so scared and I saw frost forming under me and spreading and I couldn't think straight so I was saying kiss me in all the wrong languages
"What are you saying and why is my place freezing" I guess I said something in English or Korean and he kissed me but I didn't want to kiss back at first because I didn't like the taste of smoke or ash or any kind of drug but his mouth was clean and the taste was like nicotine so I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss and I felt kind of like a bad ass because I was kissing him but I couldn't really change that feeling so I just wrapped my arms around him and enjoyed the moment while dirty thoughts filled my mind and I was so comfortable with kissing him that where his hands were now made me so uncomfortable that I accidentally whimpered and he did the thing I least wanted
"Do you have to kiss people not to be scared" he asks
"Yes and if I'm scared there's a possibility of freezing stuff and making my hair grow and get thicker and the only thing to stop those things is the equal amount of affection as fear so the fear cancels out" I say
"Well you're a good kisser and hope you get scared again sometime soon" I blushed as he took my hand again and we were soon back in public looking around stores
"Do you want anything from here" Okasian asks as we walk in a jewelry store
"I don't like when guys buy stuff for me" I say
"Why" he asks
"Because I can take care of myself and it's a waste of money therefore a waste of time and when I get expensive things wether it come from hard work or someone else I get called a slut and a gold digger and fake and a bunch of other stuff so I stick to the basics and don't let people buy me things" I say
"Didn't one of your Kpop friends buy you a whole wardrobe" he asks
"Yes but I snuck his wallet and gave him half of what he spent and got the other half put in his pay checks for the next 6 months" I say
"Didn't Zico buy you a bedroom set, shoes, and jewelry" he asks
"He was my boyfriend so I could easily sneak his wallet" I say
"Then what do you wear on special occasions" he asks
"Clothes from people that sponsor me" I say
"And you still get called out" he asks
"Yeah but I guess I deserve it for hanging around guys and not dressing more modest" I say
"You dress more modest then more than half the girls that try to get with with us" Okasian says
"But it's not modest enough, on a few of my hate accounts they say I shouldn't wear bright colors and should follow Texas and Kentucky dress codes" I say
"Let's go shopping" we went to a clothing store and I tried on some clothes while Jiyong tried to sneakily buy me stuff
"Oppa" he groaned and came back to me to give his opinion
"Why is your waist so small" he asks
"What are you talking about" I ask
"Your ass is big and your tits are big but your waist is tiny" he says
"I don't know, is that a bad thing" I ask
"No but you can't wear tight things" he says
"Oh my god" I took off the out fit and Okasian gave me a loose dress with long sleeves that touched the floor but my chest caused it to be a bit tighter at the top and my ass made the back short so I was fucked
"Excuse me, this dress is too tight in some areas and my girlfriend isn't allowed to show her curves for a week so do you know a style that could work" Okasian was talking to a worker
"What's her body type" a girl asks
"Uh" the worker giggled
"Get her to put on this" she says
"Jagi put this on" Okasian gave me a black body suit and I slipped it on then walked out
"She's done" Okasian says
"Th- that's your girlfriend" she just kind of stared at me
"Yeah" Okasian says
"I can't wear this Jiyong" I say
"I know, the worker girl said put it on" he says
"Hi" I say
"Daebak" she was pink in the face and out of luck because I gave up on girls and Okasian had claimed me
"So do you have anything for me" I ask
"No, do you have any other guidelines though" she asks
"No bright colors, just black and white" I say
"Okay" she got my some clothes and I tried them on
"Jagi let me see the outfit" I left the stall and Jiyong just stared at me
"Is this good" I ask
"Uh I need a few more opinions" he took some pictures then started texting while I waited, I changed into other out fits then back into the first one because Okasian's help came
"Is she showing too much" Hi Lite just stared at me while I did 360s
"Well since you're staring I can't get it" I say
"No it's fine" Reddy says
"We were looking at the walls and stuff" BFree says
"We didn't see you" Keith says
"Yeah yeah yeah" I changed into a black pencil skirt and a white shirt that made them stare once again so I had to snap every time I came out but I ended up getting a few outfits with my own money!

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