chapter 15

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•first day of Winter•

Why does Wisconsin have to be so cold? Not cool man. Not cool. That means it's time to drag out all the sweatshirts and basketball stuff, my first practice of the season is tonight and I don't really know if I am happy or not.

I love basketball, the game is amazing but my coaches have daughters that have always been the stars, aka popular ones.. so if only 5 can be a the court at a time then it would be anyone but me and 2 others. We are the so called 'bench warmers' to all of the parents because we get to play 1-2 times sometimes 3 (if we are lucky..).
Our parents are all good friends and we help out each other for tourneys (tournaments) like we all hell to take the girl to the place if the parent can't and they boost our confidences.

My dad told me that I should keep working hard to play this sport because I am not good enough to be on the court. But I wonder why I'm not good enough.. (note the sarcasm)
I work my but off but I always mess it up, every single time and then people get mad at me like I can't do anything.

But I need to focus on school first so, let's not rant about basketball for awhile.

I walked the cold, short, little walk to school with only my favorite basketball hoodie on and my big baggy sweatpants and my fake ugg boots.

I am in LA and I'm kinda just sitting there already knowing how to do everything she is saying because I am pretty advanced in LA, it's pretty easy for me, so I don't pay attention at all, unless it's a project. But my stomach starts to feel like I'm hungry I just ignore it but it gets worse, and then all of a sudden stops.

The bell rang and my stomach felt fine so headed to my other classes.

"Hey Mia."

"Hey Jake."

"Do you wanna walk with me to health?"

"Sure. Why not."

We started for the health room all the way across the school, and I felt my stomach start hurting. I just casually kept walking like nothing was wrong.

"You going to the yc tonight?" I asked trying to sound pained.

"Ya, are you?"

"I don't know I have my first practice tonight."

"Oh okay."

"But it doesn't start until 7 so I'll see."

Jake nodded his head as we walked into the health room.

The day is over and I went to the yc just hang out and relax before practice, I was sitting on the couch and I felt really bad pain in my stomach again this time way worse it felt like someone was stabbing me but I just pulled through it and walked home bc the yc was closed.

I got home and went to the bathroom and one thing after another I figured out what a period was... yay.. the blood devil.

I went to practice with confidence. I walked into that gym so happy looking. But I was being glared at by our new coaches, that are still the basketball stars of the teams dads...

We were warming up and one of my ex-bestfriends came up to me with a smirk on her face but a kinda happy? Look in her eyes.

"So you actually decided to join the team again this year?" She said with a rude tone.

"Yeah, I love basketball even if I don't get to really play, this is my team just as much as it is yours..." I said with a boost of confidence.

Her little sidekick joined her. "So what? You never really play?"

"I don't care, I like this game so I'm gonna stay so then I can play in 7th grade on the b-team and help my team and you 2 can be on the A-team, like everyone knows is going to happen..."

They both just smirked and walked away I was in the verge of tears before Myra came up to me.

"Hey, don't let them get to you, we are just as good as them but we just can't show it, they are stuck up little brats..." she said with a little laughter in her voice.

"That is very true, thanks Myra." I smiled appreciatively at her.

Practice went by pretty fast without anymore drama coming from all of the other girls and I just kinda did my thing.

Hey! The girl that is my ex-bestfriend she isn't really that mean in real life but she can be, I miss her a lot but life is the way it is so, oh well.

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