A Cure

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We took in a girl last night. She's fourteen. Brown hair. Green eyes. Seems normal. She's schizophrenic. Her mother said she would hear her talking alone sometimes but whenever she asked the girl about it she denied it. Apparently she had a panic attack. Said everything was on fire and burning. Her boyfriend called the police when she passed out.

So. They really do exist. It's not a myth. Those rooms with white walls where they lock you up in solitary when you go insane. Except I'm not alone. I am never alone.
There's a camera in one corner, but it's too high for me to reach. And some kind of speaker I think? But that's just to pick up sound.
There's a window on one end of the room where they watch me.
I saw a nice lady in the window when I first came here. I waved and smiled to her and she did the same. But immediately after I burst into tears. I cried for three hours, or so I think I did. There's a clock above the window but I'm but sure if it's real. I'm not sure if anything I see is real anymore. I used to be able to tell the difference. Now everything I see feels too real.

She told me her name was Elise. The person she sees. She's known Elise since she was a child. She told me they were always friends.
In very rare cases are the person they see friendly. That suggests she could have a tumor. But she said that sometimes Elise turned into the devil. I've never seen a case like hers before.

"What are you doing here?", I ask her.
"I've come to make amends my sweet."
The room is no longer the white room of insanity. It's a dock by a dark lake. I've seen this landscape before, in a photograph. Somewhere in Japan I believe. Elise is in her gold siren dress. Her hair flowing with the wind. I take my shoes off and dip my toes in the water. The coolness tickles my feet. She comes and sits beside me.

"What do you see in him?""Will you get mad if I answer?""No

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"What do you see in him?"
"Will you get mad if I answer?"
"No. I'm done with that."
"I see refuge. A safe haven. A place of love in him. A love I've never felt before."
"What about your love for me?"
"That's different. Every love is unique. It has its own certain feeling of excitement or relaxation."
I close my eyes. I can still feel his hand on mine in the movie theatre. I can still feel him holding me tight, even when I felt the fire. I shiver at that thought though.
"Callie", she says. "I'm so sorry. I know you don't want me to be the devil. I don't want to either. I just want you."

"You do have me Elise. I love you really. But I'm not crazy. I don't belong in this asylum. I belong out in the world. With you. And with Jack."
She looks away at the mention of his name.
"You will be right beside me through it all. I promise you that. But I need to get better. Please."
She smiles and nods. Then turns to me. I pull her in and hug her.

I look straight ahead and see the white wall with the window on it. Elise doesn't see this so I don't say anything. But in that window is Jack standing beside the nice lady. His fingers touch the glass. I smile to let him know I see him.

It's Jack that I know is real. It's he who is my cure.

I've pushed her out of my head before. I know I can do it again. The only way I can truly be free is if I push her out for good.

But yet. Another part of me feels for her. Even after all she's done. I've been with her almost all my life. But I don't know if I can survive with her.

What do I do?

Hey. Surprised you're still here. I want to know what you guys think. If you are reading this while I'm still in progress with this story, then comment whether you think she should let Elise stay or push her out. I'm curious. Even though I've already written the rest of this. Thanks again for reading!

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