What lies underneath

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I just shove past her and go to my room.
"Is there something wrong?", I say annoyed. Not even looking at her. I go to turn on the radio as if nothing was going on. Panic at the Disco is on. Miss Jackson is the song. I turn around and look at Elise, my arms crossed.
"You disobeyed me", she says.
"Disobeyed you? What an I your pet?"
"I told you directly not to see him and you did!"
"For the record he came to me when I was trying to avoid him."
"And you accept his invitation?"
"I like him Elise. What's so wrong with that?"
"You belong to me!"

I scoff. I belong to her. I'm merely an object now I suppose. I'm so tired of being angry at her. And her of me. I hear the lyrics of the song. "Out the back door door godamn but I love her anyway". I do love her.

"Elise please don't be like this. Don't be angry."
"Ha!", she yells. "You want to see angry?"
The music starts to turn louder and louder.
My entire vision is blurred with red. My room is set on fire. My books go up in flames.
Elise is no longer the beautiful siren on the cover of my book. She is up in flames, blood dripping from her face like Carrie. Her eyes as black as bullets. She is Miss Jackson.
She reaches out and pushes me against the wall. Her hands cover my throat and she chokes me. I cry out in pain but she ignores it.
"You will never see him ever again. Do you hear me?"
My hot tears give her the answer.
"It's up to you how you want to see me. Because I swear to god I can and I will turn into the devil."
"I hate you", I all I manage to say.
She slaps me again across the face and I fall hard. I close my eyes and clench my teeth in pain. I can feel the shape of her hands still on my face. She left a mark that I can feel.

When I open my eyes the room is no longer burning. The radio just went to commercial. My mother rushes into the room.
"Oh my Callie what happened, why are you on the floor?"
"I'm fine mom. I guess I was just lightheaded."
"Oh dear. I'll get you a glass of water."
She rushes out to the kitchen. I look at all my books. They are perfectly fine as if nothing ever happened to them. I step up to the mirror to see my face. No mark of any kind is visible. Just a pale pink face. But the pain is still lingering.

I hear my phone Buzz. It's a text from Jack.

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