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We were driving back from the concert. My stupid cousin Dustin had me laughing as we were singing along to worth it. He was trying to do our dance moves but was failing miserably. We had been driving for a while now and we were starting to get sleepy. I was drifting off to sleep when I saw something. It was like.. Doing these weird motions and like jerking different ways. We were heading straight for him to. I was waiting to see if I wasn't crazy or something. We were getting closer and closer and closer till finally I yelled.
He jerked the wheel to the right and we were heading straight for a tree. We ran into the tree so hard that we broke it in half. My head his the dashboard and I bounced out of the car in a complete flip. I was laying on the ground for I don't know how long. I was going in and out of consciousness. I finally decided to get up and check on Dustin to see if he was ok. I walked to the car and stopped dead in my tracks. That man I saw from the road was biting at Dustins neck and ripping flesh off of him. I slowly backed up and threw up my dinner behind a tree. I went to turn around to get help but I ran into someone. They looked like a bloody mess, literally. Their guts were hanging out and their face was scratched and bloody. I was about to throw up again when the man launched at me. His dirty black nails fisted my shirt. He fell on top of me and started to snap at me. His teeth yellow and black. Some of his teeth were replaced with a bloody hole. He had green gunk spilling from his mouth. Tears ran down my cheeks as I tried to push his head away. I used my free hand to feel around for something I could kill him with. I was searching the ground and at the same time his teeth were getting really close to my collarbone. I could really smell his breath now and it smelled like something died then came back to life just to rot away in the sun. I gagged at the smell. My hand finally found something metal, it was raggedy and it cut my fingers in a couple of places. I jabbed him hard in the head with the piece of car. As he fell limp, I pushed him off my body. I backed away and put my hands over my mouth. I just killed someone. Even though  they were already dead I still finished them off. I don't know what is going on. I was so shocked that I didn't see the women that came up behind me and tried to devour me. She pinned me down and started to snap at my face. I thought it was time, then I heard a voice.
"Eric! There's one! Get it!"
All of a sudden the women fell limp on the ground. This women put her blade up to my neck ready to decapitate me. I spoke up before I became headless.
"Wait! W-wait! I'm-I'm not one of those things." I said holding my hands up.
"I'm so sorry. I thought you were one of the zombies." She told me releasing her grip on me.
"Zombies?" I asked her. Then the guy behind her spoke up.
"Yea. It's that thing she just killed. There already dead. The only thing they want is flesh. They eat humans. If you get bit by one of these things then you become one. I'm Eric by the way."
I didn't know what to think. The girl helped me up and told me her name.
"I'm Ariel. So why are you out here all alone, especially with no weapon?"
"Well I-I was on a trip with my cousin but we crashed. I thought that dead man was living and we were gonna hit him, so my cousin swerved and hit a tree. When I went to go check on him, t-the zombie was eating his neck out." She looked at me sympathetically.
"I'm so sorry. Here come with us. We have a place and some warm covers for you to snuggle in." She said as she grabbed my my arm and led me to the hut they had.
When we got there it was a little run down shack that they had fixed up. We got in and they let me grab some covers. They had made there own little fire place and they had a fire going.
I was thinking... Can I trust them or will I end up like Dustin? God I hope the girls are safe. I don't know what I would do with out them. My mind was racing. I didn't know what to think. I laid down on the mat they had and let sleep over come me.

Zombie ChasersWhere stories live. Discover now