chapter 4

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i only have two more hours till i go and meet up with colton. I picked out my cutest dress i could find. It was a short white mid thigh dress with baby blue lace at the very bottom. i took a shower and curled my long brown hair in soft curls, put a little foundation on with silver eye shadow and black eye liner, and to top that off i picked out a little pair of white heels.

After an hour and thirty minutes of getting ready i decited to stop by at Jake's house to see if i looked okay enough to go meet Colton. "OMG girl!! you look amazing"

"Thanks Jake. So i do look okay to meet up with Colton?"

"Hell yeah baby you look smockin hot!"

"Lol okay jay thanks"

"Anytime honey bunny. well its almost time to meet him you have 15 minutes"

With that i headed off to Starbucks to finnaly meet Colton.

I'm so nervous. what if when we meet he don't like me? what if he thinks I'm not pretty enough for him? all I could do was hope for the best.

*Lexi* Are you at the Starbucks yet?? Lol

*Colton* Im like 5 minutes away haha

What if he don't like me?? what if it all goes wrong?? Im just so freakin nervous!!

I just suck it up and go inside and sit down at a table after ordering a chocolate chip frappe. As I'm waiting for Colton to get here I saw Mr. Davis walk in. As he orders I can't help but check him out I mean damn girl he's fine, and that white muscle shirt is even better.

"Hey Mr. Davis" I say as he walks by.

"Hello Lexi. How are you"? he asks so sexy but that's just the way he talks.

"I'm good. I'm actually waiting for someone but while I'm waiting you can sit down if you would like" I say nicely.

"Well if you don't mind I would love to. besides there's no empty seats anyways" he chuckles like he's nervous.

For the next hour we just talked about random things from what we like to do to what I'm gunna study for after I graduate in 3 months.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't even realize the time." he says.

"It's not a big deal it looks like my date was a no show anyways. I actually had a great time" I assured him. He stood there for a moment looking like he was thinking really hard.

"Are you okay?"

"What? yeah I'm fine. sorry about that bunt I really should be going" he said quickly.

"Okay see you later then" I mumbled after he was gone.


Dammit! I can't believe I just chickened out like that. What is she doing to me? She's my student! I can't keep a relationship with her... But they way her eyes sparkle in the light makes me want to just take her and kiss her till everyone knows she's mine. NO! Colton you can't keep thinking like this! I need to end this now, before i loose control. Tomorrow after school is over I will tell her that this is over.

Kiking My Teacher! (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now