chapter 2

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When I got to school my best friends Mandy and Jake noticed my smile.

"Hey girl whats that huge smile on your face for" she asked

"Oh nothing I just woke up this morning and the guy Kiked me and I know that we just started talking but I like him already. is that bad"?

"No it just means that you are getting feelings for this mystery guy haha. but I do think you need to get to know him better" Mandy told me.

"Yes I know im gunna talk to him after school today" I told her.

For the rest of the day all I could think about was this new mystery man. Right now I was in my last class of the day and its English. I didn't mind this class because my teacher Mr. Davis is kina handsome so its a good sight to look at. But today Mr. Davis is in a really good mood so we aren't really doing anything today. Its 5 minutes till the last bell so im getting everything ready to leave so I can just go home and text my new mystery man.

At home I went straight to the kitchen cuz I was starving! I made me a bowl of ice cream and sat on the couch and checked my KIk.

*Surferdude23* Heyy beautiful, how was your day?

*Cheergirl19*Great now that I get to talk to you((:

*Surfferdude23* lol are you always this sweet?

*Cheergirl19* only to guys I like(: lol whats your real name?

*surfferdude23* my name is Colton whats yours?

*Cheergirl19* my name is Lexi(:

*Colton* well Lexi I love your name

*Lexi* well thank you(: lol so do you wanna play 10 questions? lol I wanna get to know you better.

*Colton* yeah sure, you go first.

*Lexi* okay, what's your favorite color?

*Colton* blue. what's yours?

*Lexi* Purple. whens your birthday?

*Colton* July 13th, whens yours?

*Lexi* September 13th what's your eye color?

*Colton* blue/green what bout you?

*Lexi* brown. favorite band?

*Colton* One Republic or Fall out boy. whos yours?

*Lexi* Lincoln Park. T.V. show?

*Colton* lol don't laugh at this but Teen Wolf and Criminal Minds. whats about you?

*Lexi* OMG!! lol those are my two favorite shows plus Catfish.

*Colton*  that's awesome. whats a bad habit that you have?

*Lexi* I always act happy, whats yours?

*Colton*I buy a lot of shoes. whats your relationship status and age?

*Lexi* im single and 19 what about you?

*Colton* single and 23 last question. What's something that no one knows about you?

*Lexi* mmmm well not many people know that I have no one in my family left so Iive by myself. what about you?

*Colton* im terrified of any kind of storms.

I looked over at my clock and noticed that It was already 11:00.

*Lexi* Im sorry Colton but I have to get up early tomorrow and I need to go to sleep.

*Colton* no its cool I have to work tomorrow so its all good but hey at least tomorrow is Friday and I have the weekend off lol. Goodnight beautiful(:

*Lexi* well im all free for the weekend to so we have lots of time to talk and Goodnight Handsome(:

After that I passed out on my bed for the night.

The next day at school went by really slowly, all my classes i hated except for last period cuz it was Engish and of course one of the sexiest men i've ever seen is our teacher Mr. Davis but to bad its just now lunch time.

"So, what have you learned about your mystery man" Mandy asked.

"Well his name is Colton, he's 23, and he's single" i said with a huge smile on my face.

"Does he know that your 19" asked Jake.

"Yes i told him and he's okay with it. I just hope i will get to meet him soon"

"Well why dont you tell him you wanna meet up? Who knows, he may be just as sexy as hottstuff over there" Jake said poiting to Mr. Davis. (and yes Jake is gay)

"Jake stop pointing at him he might see you!"

"Mandy calm down hes not gunna notice" Jake said laughing.

"Guys i dont want to meet up with him untill i know that we will really work out" I told them,

That night it was10:00 and i was laying on my bed waiting for Colton to text me. he hasnt texted me all day, he has read the messages but he just dosent answer me. I didnt think he was going to text me back today so i just decited to take a shower and go to bed early.

** Coltons P.O.V.**

Looking at the messages that me and Lexi and I texted to eachother at lunch, looking at her picture of her i couldnt help but feel like ive seen her before. just then i heard a laugh that was so cute. i looked at the direction the laugh was coming from, Its was a senior i had her in my last period her name is Lexi. After thanking about it I was talking to a girl named lexi. I decided that I would text my lexi to see if it was her.

Colton: " hey beautiful just wanted to say hi while I can(:"

after sending the message I looked over to her to see if she looked at her phone. she was looking down and smiling then she put it down.

lexi:" Awww your so sweet((: and I'm at lunch so I can text right now"

I rushed out into the front office and told them I was sick and going home. when I got home all I could do was freak out. I've been kiking and flirting with one of my students! to make all this worse when I first saw Lexi Wade I lost my breath, she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I told myself that I was a teacher now and students are off limits so some of the attraction faded away. unfourtunatly not all of it and now that i know who she really is all the attraction is coming back. Dear God please help me.

Kiking My Teacher! (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now