Chapter 1

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"So, Benedict," Graham Norton said, as he crossed one leg over the other, "how are the wife and cumberkids?" Ben laughed at, yet another, fun use of his name and said, "They're doing great! Everyone is doing very well."

Graham asked, "What do they think of dad as a superhero, fighting with the Avengers as Doctor Strange?" Chuckling, Ben told him, "Well, Conner thinks it's pretty cool, he likes to visit the set with me sometimes. Scarlett is the same, but the, they think it's alright. They've gotten used to it over the years."

"At the end of the day, you're just dad?" Graham asked. Ben nodded. "I'm just dad, who helps with homework, scares off the boys, drives my kids crazy." The audience laughed. "What about [Y/N]?" Graham asked.

Ben smiled widely, as he said, "[Y/N] is the real hero in all this. While I'm away filing, doing interviews, she's at home watching over two teenagers and two kids who like to think they're teenagers. What she does for all of us is something I could never do."

After the interview, Ben's PR had informed him that he was already the number one trending topic on Facebook and Twitter because of how he praised you. The show wasn't even going to air until later tonight, but the audience tweeted like crazy about it.

About an hour later, he pulled up to the driveway on his motorcycle. As he walked into the house, he called, "I'm home!" He heard footsteps come running down the hall. "Dad!" Conner and Scarlett both shouted when they saw him.

Ben picked both of them up once they got to him. "Oh, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to do this," he groaned. "How are you guys?" They both told him about their day as he walked into the living room.

You were on the couch, putting make-up on Emma, while Nate was on the floor, drawing as he lay on his stomach with his headphones in. He had developed a deep passion for drawing over the years and was incredibly good at it. He'll draw portraits of people when they're not looking and capture they're emotions perfectly.

His main goal was to get into an art school for college. Of course, you and Ben supported him like no other. You went to every art show he competed in and never failed to praise his work, no matter what. Ben was so proud of him and always bragged about his artistic son.

"Hey, you guys," he greeted. You and Em turned to look at him. "Hey, babe," you said. "Hi, daddy," Em happily greeted. After setting down Conner and Scarlett, Ben went up to Em and kissed her head. "Hey, baby girl. What are you two doing?"

You and Em exchanged a look, before you said, "Em has a date tonight." Ben felt like he had just been a freight train. A date? With a boy? But this was his little girl. She's fifteen. She can't date yet...can she?

Ben gulped, then cleared his throat. "Re-really?" He asked. "And, um...who is this date?" You snickered as you applied some more make-up on Em. You knew he wouldn't take this well. "His name is Tanner," she told him, "and he's one of the coolest guys in school." Ben hummed. "What makes him so cool?" He asked.

"He's the best at every sport we got in school," Nate's voice suddenly said. "Doesn't mean he's not an asshole." Em huffed in annoyance and harshly said, "Shut up!" Nate shrugged and said, "It's true."

"Nate, enough," you scolded. Ben crossed his arms and said, "Now, hang on, if this guy is a jerk, then--." He stopped when you gave him a pointed look. "Daddy, don't," Em sighed.

Sighing, he said, "Just...make sure your tank is full." Smiling, she said, "I will." You gave him an approving nod. Suddenly, there was a horn honking outside. Ben already got bad vibes from this guy. "What, he can't come to the door?" He asked. "And he drives? How old is this kid?"

"Seventeen," Nate answered. Em ran over his hand with her tank wheel, as she walked past him. "Ow!" He shouted. "Be careful, I need this hand for my career!" Em rolled her eyes.

As she was putting on her coat, Ben handed her some money. "I won't need that," she told him. He put it in her hand and said, "Just in case." She smiled, then said, "Thank you, daddy." She hugged him and he placed a kiss on her cheek. "I love you, baby girl," he said. "Have fun and not too late, okay?"

The horn kept honking outside. "Bye, daddy," she said, as she opened the door. "Bye, mom!" You came out of the living room and said, "Bye, sweetie! Have fun!" The door shut and Ben was left standing there, wondering where in the hell his little girl went.


"She should be back by now, shouldn't she?" Ben asked, as you lay in bed. Em has only been gone for a few hours, but you knew he would be nervous after the first hour. "She'll be home soon," you sleepily mumbled into your pillow. "Stop worrying."

He sighed heavily as he continued to stare at the ceiling. "I have to worry," he said, "that's my baby out there! I knew she'd start dating, but not at fifteen!" You sighed, "She'll be sixteen in a few weeks."

Ben shook his head. "That's not the point," he told you. "She's young, she has a heart defect, her tank can run out at any bloody moment. It just pains me to finally realize that I can't be with her at every second of the day, making sure she doesn't fall down and scrape her knee...making sure her heart doesn't get broken. Bloody hell, what if he breaks her heart?"

You moved yourself over to him and rested your head on his chest. He put his arm over your shoulder, then started running his fingers lightly up and down your arm. "She's a big girl," you told him. "I had my first heartbreak when I was her age. It hurt, but I got over it eventually."

"Who broke your heart?" He asked. You smiled and twirled your finger around his chest. "His name was Donny Harrison," you told him. "He was the perfect bad boy. I used to really dig bad boys. He asked me out, I said yes, and not a year later, he dumped me. I was devastated."

Ben kissed your head and rubbed your arm. "Well, now you have me," he told you, "your new bad boy." He used his deep voice, sending shivers down your spine. "You are not a bad boy," you told him. "You are too adorable and cute and nice to be a bad boy."

"I beg your pardon?" He scoffed. "I think you of all people know that I can be a bad boy. The way I wear my leather jacket, ride a you out in the mornings, shag you until your voice is raw. Remember when we would sit the kids in front of the T.V., then go into the kitchen and try to finish fucking, before their dinner finished heating in the oven?"

You giggled and ran your hand down his strong stomach. "How can I forget?" You asked. It was silent for a moment, before you said, "Going back to my original point...she will get her heart broken, Ben. It's going to happen, until she meets the right guy and whether or not she's the one that breaks up with them or not, her heart will be broken."

"But how do I stop it?" He asked, clearly getting himself worked up. "How do I stop my baby from hurting?" You got up on your elbow and looked down at him. "You can't," you simply told him. "I know you want to, I know how much she means to you, but it's time to face it. Okay?"

He sighed and brought you back down to his chest. "I can never face it. Not since I found out she wasn't supposed to live past eleven." Your eyes shot open, before you sprang up and turned on the bedside lamp.

Ben looked a you curiously. "What did you just say?" You asked. It was then that he suddenly realized what he had just said. "Oh...shit."

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