Chapter 7 : Happy Birthday Simon ;)

Start from the beginning

“Oh come on, please!” Isabelle put on puppy dog eyes.

Clary thought about it for a moment and then gave in, “ooooo kkkkk.”

Isabelle clapped her hands together, “YAY! Now we need to go get some lingerie.”

“But we both already have lingerie.” Clary asked, clearly confused.

“Yeah but we don’t have matching lingerie.” Isabelle explained.

Clary decided not to argue she knew she had no chance against Isabelle. She rolled her eyes as Isabelle dragged her over to the lingerie section, a lot more excited than she should be.

Chapter 7: Part 2: Gift Giving


Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Why did I agree to do this?!’ Clary paced back and forth in Isabelle’s bathroom. She was in the lingerie her and Isabelle had decide on, well… the lingerie Isabelle decided on; red see through baby doll and red lace boy cut panties. Clary twiddled her thumbs nervously as she waited for Isabelle to come and get her. The plan was for Clary to get ready and lay Isabelle’s lingerie out so that she can quickly get changed. Isabelle would come in; get changed and then Clary and Isabelle do… what they’re meant to do. Clary’s heart rate quickened as she heard the bedroom door open and shut. She heard footsteps, laughter, Isabelle saying, “I don’t get it?” and Simon’s response, “Never mind, it’s a mundane thing.” She then heard what sounded like shoes getting kicked off and the sound of someone lying on the bed. She then heard Isabelle, “I’m gonna go get your birthday present, you wait here and get ‘ready’” Clary rolled her eyes and tried to hold back her laughter as she heard Simon’s response, “What do you mean ‘get ready’... Ohhh”

The bathroom door then opened slightly and Isabelle slid in, not want Simon to see that Clary was in her.  Isabelle’s eyes widened as she looked over Clary’s luscious body, she bit her bottom lip as she thought about what was about to happen.

She was snapped out of her dirty thoughts by Clary’s whispers, “I don’t think I can do this.”

Isabelle’s voice became stern even though they were whispering, “You are not backing out now! I will not allow it!”




“Zip it!”

Clary sighed in defeat, “Fine.”

Isabelle smiled, “Good now where’s my baby doll?”

Clary pointed to the bench where it was laid out. Isabelle quickly got changed and ruffled her hair as well as ruffling Clary’s.

“Ready?!” Isabelle asked excitingly.

All Clary could nod was nod and plaster a smile on.

Isabelle opened the door and strutted out, Clary attempting to strut but failing. Her and Isabelle stood side-by-side, hands on hips.

Simon jolted to his feet as Isabelle walked out of the bathroom, he was wearing nothing but blue boxers that were Doctor Who themed, the words ‘Bigger on the inside’ written on the right leg. His eyes were focused on Izzy but widened as Clary walked in and stood next to her.

“C-C-C-CLARY!?” He wrapped his arms around his chest as if trying to hide his body.

Isabelle walked over to him, “Calm down. This is your birthday present.”

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