Chapter - 60

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Ouch! Head hurts.

Wait I'm alive?

This is crazy, I survived again? Or wait am I in some heaven or maybe some hell?

"She's gonna open her eyes... I can't wait!" I could hear Eleanor.

That's giving the answer as a no. I'm still on this planet earth.

I'm trying to open my eyes, but my heads throbbing.

Okay I gotta do this.

I opened my eyes.

Ohh! The brightness it hurts... I blinked at least a hundred times that my eyes could get adjusted to the light.

As soon as my vision was clear. The first person I saw was the man of my dreams... My Liam..

He's got a little beard grown... Which gives me the idea I've been out for a little long.

I looked around...

Everyone was a little weird... okay the fact is they looked a little different.

Niall has his hairdo changed.

Louis has a little mustache and beard grown.

Eleanor looks different I don't know maybe she's put on a little weight or something... I don't know she looks...

Justin is quite the same, So is Shawn (he's standing not even having a bandage on his leg)

Harry has his hair grown to the shoulder length.

And Palak...

Wait! Palak!

WTF! Palak! Is that a baby bump?

Is my eyes seeing things...?

I stared at her for a moment... I'm sure she would've noticed it...

Yeah it is! It is a baby bump!

Shit! How long have I been out!

Are they even married? Or...

"Is something wrong?" Liam asked concerned at my expressions.

"Liam how. Long. Was. I. Out" I asked making my words clear.

"Uhh..." Liam wasn't telling it. I don't know why.

"Someone answer me!" I pleaded.

"A pretty long time" Niall answered.


"And our dear Liam kept waiting" Louis said in sarcasm.

"Hmm?" I asked for explanation.

"Okay let's leave them alone for sometime" Harry suggested and took everyone out and finally took Palak out carefully.

Is he the father? Or is...

Oh god confusion!

As soon as everyone was gone leaving me and Liam alone I was ready with all the questions.

"Liam... Palak...?" I asked not sure what exactly to asked

"Hold it! What's the hurry? And yeah what you saw is... Okay Harry and Palak got married five years ago... And now its their second one on the way" he shrugged.

"F-five y-year-rs?" I was out for five years?

"Yeah and... Okay a lot of things happened" Liam decided to let it all be for now.

"H-how many years e-exactly?" I stuttered.

"Ten" he said in a sigh.

"Ten?" I repeated in a question.

"Yeah you heard me right... Ten years" he confirmed.

"Lot of things happened.. All of them are settled in life... Louis-Eleanor, Zayn-Gigi, Harry-Palak offcourse, Justin, Shawn and Niall gotta introduce them-"

"You?" I asked cutting him afraid to know about Liam and his family (if he has one)

"Oh yeah even I am" he said in ease.

My heartaches.

A tear slipped down before I realized.

"With the girl whom I love the most. But it tears me apart when I see tears in her eyes" he wiped my tear. "Its you." He whispered into my ear.
"It was you, is you and will be you" he declared making my heart leap.

"I love you so much Liam" his face was lit up.

"I was dying to hear that" he blushed.

"You really waited for me all this while... I'm sorry!" I apologized as I felt the guilt.

"Okay but now I'm not gonna wait anymore Mrs. Payne!" He winked.

Special chapter for the Baby lovers😜

So we're almost at the end.

There is one more chapter tho... Still then. I'd like to say thanks for reading the crappy thing that I wrote all this while!😉

Lots of love


Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fiction) *EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora