Chapter - 37

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Another morning of my bugging but interesting job...

Yesterday was just awesome.

Harry was so happy and so were the rest and the best part was when Harry expressed his feeling towards Jenifer to her.

And when she said yes... Just as I thought his dimples were so deep with happiness.

Oh everything is so nice and sorted now.

All the boys are back together and happy... Even all are paired..

Zayn has Gigi.

Louis has Eleanor.

Harry has Jenifer.

Liam has me.

And Niall has food!

Only thing that needs to be sorted is the device and it's mystery.

I've already called my friend she'll be here tomorrow.

My phone rang.

It was Liam.

"Yes Liam?"

"Lottie plz come to my office asap!"

I immediately rushed in.

Louis, Harry, Jeni and Niall was in.

"Hello everyone... How come all of you here!" I greeted them

"I called them all... We need to discuss and plan what are we gonna do next about the device and its security." Liam explained.

"Oh okay.... But wait Jeni also knows about it?" I asked confused.

"Yeah... Ofcourse.... We trust her!" Harry said a bit offended.

I looked at Liam who gave me a 'we can't help it' look.

Anyway even I feel Jeni is trustworthy.... Maybe.

"So Lottie you said you're gonna call someone who's gonna help in decoding when is that person gonna come?" Liam asked

"She'll be here tomorrow... I told her the whole thing-"

"What how can you tell the details to any stranger!" Liam said nor letting me to complete.

"She isn't a stranger but in fact she's one of the most trusted person in my life.... I guess you would've seen in my resume that I did my pre-university and post graduation in India right?"

"Yeah" Louis answered... This is weird even Louis read my resume.

"She's my friend from India... She's one of the most cleverest brain that exist!"

"Then is that I never heard about?" Liam asked.

"Coz she's so weird she doesn't want to work under anyone"

"What?" Niall said with a giggle.

"Thats not at all funny... She is right I hate to work for ant one... Can't let anyone control me!" All of us turned to the door to see... A beautiful Indian girl standing at the door.

"Omg! Palak!" I exclaimed going towards her and gave her a tight hug, she hugged back.

"Wow its so good to see you kitty!" Palak said in a loud voice.

"You were supposed go come tomorrow how did you get a flight?"

"Hacked and got the ticket" she winked.

"You'll never improve!" I said hitting her in a friendly way.

"Uhmm.... I guess there are other people in this room!" Niall said interrupting.

Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fiction) *EDITING*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant