Chapter - 52

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"Liam?" I called as Palak tightly hugged Harry in relief.

"Lottie are you okay?" Liam stepped up to me.

"Liam what are you doin here" I asked keeping my face rigid.

"Lottie... Why are you being so doubtful?" Liam asked.

"Answer me." I said through my teeth.
My heart is crying out that Liam shouldn't be one of them. I can't bear that.

"I got a call from an unknown person. He said that dad is here and someone is with him. He said if I..." He trailed off.

"What Liam?" Palak asked from behind who still had her arms wrapped around Harry.

"I was told if I shot they told me to... Then they'll let dad go." He put his down.

"Really Liam how can you agree to kill any random person! Even if they said they were gonna leave Mr. Payne!" I shouted at him.

This is unbelievable!

"I'm sorry" he said

Okay I should take it a soft. Its his dad and he would be concerned.

I took a deep breathe calming myself.

"Okay Liam now tell me everything in detail" Palak came forward.

"And I'll go in and search for that person in the PC." I said back into Mr. Mendes's cabin.

I searched for a long time for something that will give a clue.

Finally I got an idea to check in the recent entries and transactions of the enterprise.

Most of the things were so official.

Should accept the fact that Mr. Mendes is a dedicated man to his work.

Found nothing in the record... Now what?

If I check the the list of the staff is of no use, coz there will be so many.

One last try on the list of associated scientists.

There are eight associate scientist.

Wait am I reading it right?

What the hell! Ms. Adkins is fifth name on the list.

Adkins is Adele's last name... But she is a..

I made further searches.

Her bio confirmed her full name Adele Adkins. According to it she's been working with the Mended for four years now!

Then why did she ever get close to me. And even when I wasn't releasing any
Confidential information, then why did she help me and Liam to get together why was she so genuine and the most important thing why was she working as a waitress there?

All this question swirled around my head shaking me from deep within.

"Found anything?" Harry's head popped in through the door.

"Yeah... Let's get outta here." I got up and started walking out avoiding all his questions as I made a call to Shawn.

"Hey sup!" Shawn received the call.

"How did you come to know about Hello?" I asked coming straight to the point.

"You mean the ca-"

"Yeah the cafeteria" I confirmed

"Dad and Camila took me there one day" he answered.

I expected that.

"Did you find anything fishy about Adele?" I asked my next question

"Adele? No she's such a sweet lady, but yeah she seemed to know dad well." He spoke a little doubtfully.

"And what makes you feel that way?" I asked trying to get the whole thing out

"I've a seen her a couple of times in dad's office, and whenever we go to the cafe they spoke... Ya know eye contact" he answered.

"Thanks Shawn... I'll call you back after a while" I hung the call before he could say another word.

We already had reached the parking lot as the rest if them followed me in silence.

I put my phone down.

"Mind giving an idea about what's going on?" Harry asked restlessly.

I told them about what I found in the PC. And also clarified about the conversation with Shawn.

"This is so unreal... Adele was such a nice person. I feel its not true" Liam shook his head uncontrollably

"Its not this, which is not true... Its Adele and who she pretended she was" I patted on Liam's shoulder making him understand.

We returned to Harry's place.

Zayn and Justin were done with booking.

"So now what's the plan?" Louis asked
"We go to Ghana the rest palak will explain" I answered.

"So yeah... Me, Lottie, Liam, Zayn and Justin will be going to Ghana. While Harry, Niall and Louis will assist us with the  SComp. I'll tell you guys everything that you need to know before you leave." Palak called the three of them and started to instruct them.

"What about your dad Liam? For now I've handled dad telling him that the flight is cancelled but something has to be done soon" Justin asked

"Yeah that's right we can't just leave uncle like that" Louis joined.

"No guys this is more important. We'll w-whatever happens will..." Liam's eyes were glassy as he tried his level best to forget trade his dad's life for this.

"No Liam we can't just do that" Palak refused

"Wait let's make some changes in the plan... There should be something that cana be done" Niall looked so concerned for his friend.

Justin's phone bleeped he looked into it for a second as we continued trying to get some idea.

"Liam I know where your dad is." Justin said out loud stopping us all from speaking.

"Where?" Me and Liam chorused

Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fiction) *EDITING*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें