Chapter - 6

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I felt like all my hopes and happiness is disappeared...

I didn't know what to do where to apply for a job. How am I supposed to manage all the expenses its midmonth and soon the end would come and I've got to pay bills and if Alynna needs anything...

Oh all these thought were creating a shit of mess in my mind. I decided to go back home. I reached home and silently went up to my room that mom wouldn't know that I'm here.

I was on my bed sitting clueless what to do. I can't let mom and Alynna down....

Okay all that I've gotta do now is apply for jobs in some companies I've got special aproval and experience certificate. I took out my laptop from my bag and searched for any vacancies.

There were a lot of companies with vacancy so this gave me a hope I applied for five of them and send my job resume. I decided to get some sleep for sometime.

I woke up because to my phone ringing . i saw the caller id, it was Aunt Linda, she's my closest aunt she knows each and everything about me. From my smallest attitude to my darkest side. I received the call.

"Hello Aunt!"

"Hello Lottie... How are you dear... Its been so long since I spoke to you or even saw you!"

"Yeah its been kinda real long" I said trying to sound excited.

"What's wrong darling you sound sad"

I knew I can't hide it from her so I told her everything.

"oh that's really saddening... Its okay honey I'm sure you'll find a job soon."

"I hope that too." I crossed my fingers"

"Okay I gotta go... I'll try to come over soon" She hung up.

I checked my mail box there were few mails. One was rejection mail from one of the company. There were two other mails from other two company asking me to come for an interview. I was excited at least some hope.


Its been two weeks since I lost the job. Mom had been constantly asking why I wasn't going for work. I kept making some excuse. And the great news is by now I've been rejected by 20 companies!!

I don't know what the hell is going on. Today also I'm gonna try in another company, I hope atleast this works out.

I went in where few board members of the company were sitting. I took my seat. I was asked few questions well this was an vaccany of an accountant. I hated this but somehow my few years struggle with business study is somewhere useful.

Then I gave my resume to them. It has been going well most probably I will get it this time... Just hoping for it...

Finally my file was returned and I was told that this job isn't given to me. I got wild at this.

"What on earth is happenin?? This is the 21st company that I've applied in... And every freakin interviewer is doin the same thing what is in the resume that you guys reject" I bang my hand on the table standing up demanding for answers.

"Please behave yourself Ms. Morganston!!" Said the man with the dark hair.

"I will if you tell me why are you guys doin this" I partially pleaded and demanded

"Look Ms. Morganston! We have people above us and its none our falt if you upset important people.." The man who was the eldest said cooly

I was boiling up with anger.... "You and your friggin important people must go to hell" I stormed out.

This was so stupid whom did I disappoint? Suddenly it flashed whom else it should be Liam! Or in fact Harry  cause I spoke so much against him. Ofcourse it would be Harry, he must be the one who's mad at me the most.

I grew hungry so I stoped by a cafeteria. Got in and asked for sandwich and a coffee. I sat and was looking at the steam going up from the coffee.

"Hey Lottie.... Right?" It was Zayn standing beside me.

"Hey Zayn... Please take a seat" I actioned towards the chair over the other side.

"So how come here... Never seen you around" he said as he ordered something for himself.

"Well I was passing through so just thought of having something... I'm glad I came, I got to see you"

"so how is ur boss Shawn doin heard he lost his company and where are you working now" he took a bite carefully from his sandwich.

"Well I don't know maybe he's fine... And I've not got a job yet... still struggling to find one" I shrugged

He saw my resume file on the table he took it and started reading it. His face had all surprised expressions. "How many company have you tried in?"

"Well 21 including today's" I hesitated.

"What? How can that be your qualifications are good, work experience is also good and have got excellent remarks from your previous work place... And how..."

"Its because I upsetted some important person was all that I was told" I interrupted

"That's so unfair... " he suddenly starts thinking something. "I seriously want to take you into my company, you are too good but textile industry... that isn't your section. But wait I've got an idea I know one person who seriously needs someone like you..." He stopped for a second "do one thing... Lottie give me ur contact no. And I'll let you know after something's done" he said and I wrote my contact no. On a piece of paper and gave him... He gave me his business card... he stood up to leave.

"Don't worry Lottie we'll figure out something" he assured me

"Thank you so much Zayn.... for all this, you've seriously been so helping... I owe so much to you" I sighed

"No you dont... This is something that you deserve" he said and waved off going out...

I looked at his business card.
"Malik's textile dealers" I read out loud. interesting.

I went back home. Alynna was in her room with someone playing... Probably Lanna.

They've been hanging around a lot from past two months. I meet mom tried best to avoid any topics regarding work. After that I went up to my room just then my phone was ringing I saw the caller id it was Zayn.

"hey" I said faintly

"Hi c'mon its a great news at least sound excited!"

"Tell me what is it Zayn"

"You've got a job!!! As an personal assistant for the boss in one of the biggest enterprises in the world." He said

"What! Oh god Zayn you don't know what you've done for me thank you so much... But without even an interview how?"

"yeah he told he doesn't need an interview... He says he's seen ur work and is well impressed... So you join from tomorrow... Okay I've got some work so I'll text you the details bye" he hung up....

I was happy it had been weeks together in this fear without a job. I'm so happy and I seriously don't know how to thank Zayn.. But I knew I had to...

Now I was keenly waiting for his message to know where did I get the job. Suddenly my phone blinged I excitedly took it and read Zayns message...

"What the--" I said I couldn't believe my eyes. I've got a job in Payne's enterprises!! Its awesome its such a huge enterprises but its Liam's dad's company! This was horrendous....

Wait I don't have to worry about him I'm gonna work for his dad not for him...

I'm so happy such a huge burden is taken away from my shoulders! I feel asleep looking forward for the next day.

okay I know this chapter was weird! but you're gonna enjoy the next chapter. So plz do continue reading. And plz do remember I'm always looking forwards for your feed backs!

Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fiction) *EDITING*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon