Chapter - 8

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I stood there bewildered by what I just heard.

I know I have to calm down. Mr. Payne is an understanding and sensible man I just have to explain to him he'll understand for sure I know.

The conference was over. The way back to the office was in silence I decided to not act impulsive but be as calm as possible and speak about it in the office. As soon as Mr. Payne went into his office I also went in.

"Any problem Ms.Morganston?" He asked as he saw me getting in

"Yes Mr. Payne... I was wondering... Why did you tell that I'll be your son's Secretary and that he's taking over tomorrow"

"I said it because he is taking over tomorrow and you are his assistant" he said cooly

"What? But sir I thought I'll be replacing Ms. Wite. And I didn't want to mention but I've got some issues with your son and I can't work with him."

"Wait... You didn't read ur contract now did you?" He asked

"No why..."

" because it clearly says that you are accepting your job as secretary for Liam."

"Hold on you never mentioned about...and why do I fell that you did it all intentionally?"

"What are you saying Ms. Morganston and do you even realize who you're  talking to?" He sounded a bit rude

"I know I'm speaking to the great Mr. Jonathan Payne who is a bloody liar" I spat "I thought you were a good man but you're just like the other business men... MEAN. AND. SELFISH!" I spoke the last few words crystal clear

"Stop it Ms. Morganston" he banged on his table "okay I agree that I tricked you... well don't you think I will know about the childish quarreling you had in my party lately... I knew you would never work with Liam that's why I made you so excited and i surely knew that you will sign without reading, and you did and now there is no way you can leave!" He smirked

"What do you mean I can't leave I can leave and I will!!!" I shouted the words.

"Uh.. Huh... Not so easy sweetheart... Well now let me tell what exactly did the contract say.." He paused for second then continued "After signing it you also agree that you will work for Liam for at least three months and if you wanna leave before the that you have to... Pay compensation to the company for breaking the contract... And believe me dear you don't wanna know how much is the compensation cause you can't even dream about paying, so better for you to leave for now, you've annoyed me enough and come back tomorrow on time and start working with your new boss." His voice was calm but both his eyes and words were loaded with poison and bitterness

"Please Mr. Payne...." I tried to plead but he asked me to leave.

Now I'm totally helpless.

I should work with that suck-ass. I didn't like him he was so self centered centered and stupid.


I was on my way to Payne's enterprises. I am ready to face whatever it is.

I got into elevator suddenly Ms. Wite also got in.

(She was a nice Lady always patient and she had a stable expression on her face in any situation, an that's weird to me. I can bet that she was in her 50's but she was so active. I wonder how does she work with that mean jerk.)

Instead of pressing 28th she pressed basement.

"Ms. Wite, I guess we have to go to the top"

"Lottie look there's something really serious goin on" the lift had stopped and we got out to the empty basement, she first time called me with my first name "I seriously don't understand why did they have to include you in all these.."

"Include me in what?" I asked

"Anyway forget that... Now listen carfully to what I say..." She inhaled loudly "From now on I'm leaving this enterprises in your control... Liam doesn't have any experience, and he might not make the best choices but you have to help him. I know it might be difficult but, you have to and please don't leave. I know you from only past two weeks but I completely trust you"

"Wait wait wait... Would you explain properly I didn't get a single thing out of everything that you were saying"

She started to search something in her pocket. All that came out was a key. she gave it to me

"Lottie this key leads to darkest and deepest secret of this enterprises and by no means anyone is supposed to know you have it not your family, friends or anyone."

"Hey if it is so important why don't you keep it with yourself?"

"I can't its not safe.. They know its with me or Mr. Payne and now nobody will know its with you"

" but..."

She cuts me off and kept her hand on my shoulder

"We need to leave now... And the most important thing that you have to keep in your head is...."

She came closer to me and her words were mere whisper but soo strong


Perfection (Liam Payne Fan Fiction) *EDITING*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt