Chapter Three

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"Miss," said a small fragile voice near me. Cold fingers were shaking my arm lightly. I blinked and saw an old nurse smiling faintly. "Ah, you're awake! Miss Trent, there is a red Mustang outside full with your friends. You can go home now."

"Oh," I said as I sat up. It was Blaze's red Mustang probably filled with Charlie, Brooklyn, and Erika. The nurse smiled and took the tape off of my IV. I turned my head as soon as she pulled the needle out. Needles made me want to puke. "Am I all good to go?"

She smiled and nodded whilst she put the infected needle into the orange 'hazardous' box. "Yes, you may go. Your football uniform and your clothes you were early at school are in the bathroom. You can go change in there." She motioned to the bathroom door and moved to the door that led to the hallway.

"Thanks," I said getting out of bed and hurrying to the bathroom. I didn't feel as light-headed as I did earlier, which was good. I quickly slipped off the hospital gown, stepped into my jeans, and pulled my tank top on over my head. I slipped on my tennis shoes and grabbed my football uniform and cleats. 

After walking out of the bathroom, I proceeded down the hallway. I passed the front desk where nurses were scrambling behind the receptionist with charts in there hands. I smiled and walked out the automatic doors, instantly seeing Blaze's Mustang.

"Hey," yelled Charlie across the lot. Her light brown hair was blowing in the wind and her brown eyes were protected behind her purple glasses. 

"Hey!" I yelled back grinning and lifting my fooball uniform onto my shoulder. I walked over to their car and leaned on to hood. It was a convertible so they could all hear me and see me fine. "How'd you guys hear I was here?"

"Ashley told Brooklyn," Erika said pushing back her medium-length natural blonde hair. She smiled and rubbed at her blue eyes. 

"Get in," Blaze said grinning. 

"Pop the trunk," I said walking to the back of the car. I opened the trunk after she popped it opened and put my uniform and cleats in. I shut it and got in the passenger seat. I grinned and looked at Brooklyn sitting in the back next to Charlie quietly. 

Brooklyn was the innocent of our group. She had long brown hair with blonde highlights and blue eyes. She was really pretty and played flute in band. We were all in band besides Blaze. She was in choir. She has recently dyed-red hair and blue eyes. 

"Thanks for picking me up," I said as Blaze started up the car.

"Well," said Erika. "We weren't just going to leave you to a cab now, were we?"

"We could've," Charlie said giggling. "But we didn't!"

I smirked and popped my neck to the side. "Man, Carter saved my life..."

"A crush on him now?" Brooklyn asked leaning foward. "I thought you liked Cole. You know, during practice. I'm sure you like it when he tackles you!"

"Shut up," I hissed, glaring at her and Charlie who was snickering. I looked out at someone little kids playing double dutch on the sidewalk, because secretly, I envied that. I was an only child growing up, so I spent most of the time alone until I began school. I would be in my art room just drawing and painting, and feeding my fish tanks. 

"Earth to Mallory," Blaze said waving a hand in front of my face whilst we stopped at a stop sign. 

"Oh," I said blinking and looking at her. "Yes?" 

Blaze rolled her eyes and said laughing, "I said, do you want to go do something or we can drop you off at home." 

I bit my lip. "I'd love to go do something, but I think I should go home and get some rest. I have to practice early tomorrow."

"Okay," she said and turned right. "We'll take you home so you can go to bed." We drove in silence the rest of the way to my house on Greene street. "Oh look here is your house!"

"Bye guys," I said.

"I wish you could come with us," Charlie said sadly.

"Yeah," said Erika.

"Sorry," I said grimly as Blaze pulled into my driveway. I opened the car door and got out. "I'll see you guys tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Okay," they all choursed in unison. 

I smiled and shut the car door and walked to the trunk, pulling out my football uniform and cleats. I shut the trunk and jogged up the sidewalk. I rattled the door knob and it opened with a start. I pushed it open more and stepped in, shutting it behind me. "I'm home," I called out flipping on the hall light. No one seemed to be home. I shrugged and ran up the stairs. 

I lied my uniform and cleats on my desk. I kicked my sneakers off and fell backwards on my bed, I was tired. I closed my eyes and soon I was fast asleep.


A/N: Sorry it is so short and pointless, I was not in a writing-mood today. But SOMEONE wanted an update. lol. Anyways, there ya go!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2011 ⏰

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