Chapter Two

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(I TOTALLY LOST IT!! LALALLA. (PARIS HILTON'S CLOSET BY KESHA!!) Um.... I accidently published when I didn't mean to so there is more added!!)


"Get down, butt's out!" yelled the coach. I bit my lip as sweat dripped from my forehead. I pushed myself down, my fingers grazing the freshly cut grass. The quarterback yelled out numbers and passed the ball behind him. I immeadiately got up, running and blocking the wide reciver, so the quarterback couldn't pass it to him. I groaned as I tackled him, me ending up on the bottom. I had a one-fifty pound guy on me as the whistle blew. "Good job, boys!"

"I'm a girl!" I heard Ashley yell, taking her helmet off. "And so is Mal."

"Dude, get off of me!" I yelled at the wide reciver, who's name I couldn't think of at the moment. He sat there, like he couldn't hear a thing I was saying. "Get the Hell off of me!" I pushed at his back, making him fall foward. I jumped up and took of my helmet. I flipped my hair down and walked, shaking my hips and all, to Ashley. I stood next to her with my hip popped out.

Coach Ashfield muttered something to himself and looked at his high school team-excluding the freshmen. "I think I'm going to switch up practice teams." He looked at me and Ashley. "Trent," he said talking to me, using my last time. I looked at him and nodded. "You're on red team now." I groaned and walked away, taking my jersey off, having a few guys looking at me. I slipped on my red jersey with the number 23 on it. I looked at Cole who was talking to Clark and Tyson. I was now on the opposite team from Cole. Coach called off other names, like two, who weren't first strings, so there was no point. He dismissed us back onto the field, but it was offense playing, so I wasn't in yet. "Oh, Trent."

I glanced at him. "Yes?"

"You're back on offense," he said.

I stared at him. I was going to be on offense for the red team. Cole was defense for the white team... He tackles hard, very hard. I swallowed my saliva and bit my lip. I shoved my helmet on my head and sprinted in a dead run into position right as Coach blew the whistle. Carter Mel was our quarterback and he wasn't amazing, but he wasn't bad. He was okay... If I could make past the defense he could throw it to me instead of our sucky wide reciver who wouldn't get off me.

The next ten seconds were a blur. The ball was being passed to Carter and he was looking for someone to throw it to. I was open, but the next thing I know I'm on the ground with someone's body on me. I moved uncomfortably and heard the whistle blow. I blinked and the body got up, I realized it was Cole, which made me bit my lip. Cole was on top of be two seconds ago. He tackled me. And he was sweating. Guys were sexy when they were sweaty. I gulped and smiled to myslef.

Cole looked down at me and took his helmet off, his forehead glistening with sweat. He offered me a hand asking, "Do you need a hand?"

I smiled and took his hand, it was soft and warm. He pulled me to my feet and picked his helmet up from the ground. "Thanks."

He grinned. "You're welcome." He walked away, to his friends and that's when I could finally breath again. Today was seriously surreal. Cole talked to me, looked at me, touched me more than ever. I bit my lip and felt my face grow hotter. I hugged my helmet and walked over to the team. I stood next to Ashley and in front of Cole. I steadied my breath to her him breath in and out; it was soothing.

"Good practice today, same thing tomorrow," started Coach Ashfield. "Same teams. Trent, I want you on offense now, and stay there. I know I told you you'd be better as a line backer, but I think you'll be a good scorer." I nodded in response, he always singled me out. Always. "Today was good, very good. I think our game against the tigers will be another win, if we can keep things going well. Have a good night, see you guys tomorrow. Bring it in!" He put his hand out, grabbing my helmet. We all put out hands on the helmet, or near the helmet. I felt Cole's presence closer to mine as our hands touched on the helmet. I smiled, biting my lip and yelled, with everyone else, "Red Demons!"

I grabbed my helmet after all the hands were off of it and walked beside Ashley on the way back to the high school. We were in front of Cole and his friends, which made me feel nervous and watched. I walked across the street, not looking either ways.

"Look out!" someone yelled. I blinked and looked to my left, a Mustang was racing toward me. I felt like a deer in the head lights; I couldn't move. I looked back Cole and Ashley, and everyone else. Carter took a step foward, and ran dead speed at me, pulling me into his arms and over to the other side of the street. We hit the pavement with a loud pop.

I blinked and saw Carter let go of me and get up. "Mallory! Mal, are you okay?" I looked up and saw many faces around me. They were all worried faces, wondering about me. I felt like I couldn't move. I felt as of all of my limbs were broken. Tears poured out of my eyes and down the curves of my cheeks and I slowly shook my head. I coughed, closing my eyes and turned over right when Cole bent over and picked me up, bringing me close to his chest.

                                                       *          *          *

I blinked and saw people swarmed over me. I coughed and sat up slowly, my head killing me. I heard murmuring voice that blared loudly in my head. "C-cole?" I asked painfully. I rubbed at my eyes and blinked again. Football players. My friends. My mom. My brother. 

"Yes?" Cole asked stepping foward. He looked somewhat worried, they all did. I felt like I was speical. I was the most important person in the room, and I loved it. 

I shook my head. "What happened? After I almost got hit by that car..."

"I—" started Cole, but was rudely interupted. 

"I saved you, pushed you out of the way, and then you passed out. Then Cole here, trying to be the second hero," said Carter grinning. "But you know, it's always the real hero who gets the girl."

I laughed. "Is that so?" I shook my head and swung my legs over the side of the bed I was in, getting up. I took a step and tripped a little. Instantly two arms were around me: Carter's and Cole's. "I'm okay." I rolled my eyes, but inside I was dying because I loved it.

"Are you okay Miss, um," asked a candy striper walking into the room. She froze; it was Kaylee. Her hair was tied up in a bun under a red and white hat and she was wearing that ugly red and white candy striper uniform. She was pale under the uniform and stared at me with cold brown eyes. 

"Kaylee?" I asked with a cocky grin, trying not to laugh at her. She was working at the hospital... as a candy striper? Why was she here? Many questions ran through my mind as I just stared at her.

"I have to go," she said and ran out the door. People started laughing and I just stared. I shouldn't have been so cocky.

I shook my head. "Shut up guys." I got back into my bed. "I'm going to sleep, so.. get out." I laid my head down while the sound of rubber shoes walked away. 

"Are you going to be okay, Trent?" I heard Carter ask me. I mumbled a reply, barely audible as I fell back into a pit of darkness.


A/N: I, FINALLY, finished this chapter!!! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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