Bathe In The Blood (Brother!Dean/Dying!Sister!Reader)

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You heard your brother's voice echo down the empty halls, weaving through cracks under doors and lonely spaces between windows. Lifting your head, you silently plea for Dean to turn around, for him to forget this place and you. Pulling at the leather straps that bound your wrists and ankles, your muffled groans of agony echoing slightly in the cold room. 

Your body was splayed across a wooden slab, put there by the psychotic monster that captured you from the lonely motel room. Dean had gone out for burgers, leaving you in the secure room, armed with your silver pistol. A knock on the door had falsely lead you to believe the maids had come to gather your dirtied sheets, but upon opening the door, a dirtied rag was shoved in your face, inhaling the toxic scent of chloroform.

You woke from the darkness to find yourself in this situation, bound, gagged, and helplessly confused. You had lost track of time while being confined in this hell house, and your captor only cared to hear your screams of agony. Your stomach growled, throat burning from dehydration, as the door was broken down by Dean. 

Seeing you, he tumbled to your side, hastily beginning to remove the leather belts from your wrists. You began screaming protests, but he gave them no mind, only working faster to release you from the wood. 

"Don't worry (y/n), We'll be outta here in no time." He said, sweat dotting his brow.

A shadow loomed over him, but he noticed to late. The woman struck him with the butt of a rifle, the sickening sound of his body slumping to the floor made you cry out in anger, spitting out a string of curses at the foul woman as your gag fell from your bruised mouth.

Your hands freed by your idiotic brother, you unfastened your legs from the bounds, as your captor tied Dean up with some rope that was lying around. After finishing binding your brother to the chair, she turned around, finding her prize escaping her binds. 

"Tsk. Tsk." The woman said, swinging the gun and hitting your head, making you slump forward as you were rendered unconscious.

Thirty minutes later, you awake, re-gagged and bound once more. You thrash around, seeing Dean glaring at the woman, who was twisting a lock of red hair in her fingers. Spinning around, she glared at you, but Dean began struggling also, resulting in his chair tipping over.

The woman twisted around, helping Dean up from the floor, right before he spit a wad of saliva in her freckled face. 

"That's no way to treat a lady, boy." She sneered, snaking her way over to you.

"You aren't considered a lady, you supernatural freak!" Dean spat, earning a glare from you.

The woman looked confused, and you began protesting, your sentences more sounds than words. The lady ripped the gag from your mouth, tired of your protesting.

"Deany, she isn't a monster. A human monster yes, but not our type of monster." You hissed, using your nickname for Dean.

Brushing off the comment, the woman turned to Dean, "Now, she must mean something to you. You came all this way to find her."

Dean looked skeptical as he flicked his eyes back and forth from you to the lady. Should he reply, or keep his mouth shut?

Silently, you slipped your wrists from the bound, the careless lady having not tightened them correctly when retying you back.

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