No Soul Is Perfect (Father!Crowley/Teenager!Reader)

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Father!Crowley/Teenager!Reader Fanfiction

(Y/N) your name
(h/c) hair color
(f/c) favorite color
(f/n) first name
(l/n) last name


"Now (Y/N), just listen to me." He pleas, only to get a door slamming in his face. He bashes his head against the door, his growl vibrating the piece of oak. You just won't listen to him.

Inside your room, you storm over to your Queen sized bed, and drop onto the charcoal skull comforter, plugging your ears with headphones. You pull out your phone and click shuffle, letting Hollywood Undead drown out your Dad's ranting through the door.

You slam your head into the pillow, your (h/c) hair spilling all around you, as muted sobs escape your body.

All you want to do is have a normal life, not the King of Hell as your father, or being a demon child.

You flip around on your mattress, the pillow speckled with tear stains, letting the anger flow from your body. You immediately stand, secretly saunter over to your window, and seize the iron bars. Your Father insisted that he put them on, so 'assassins' can't get in. You grip them tight and yank, sending you spiraling to the ground, the bars still clutched in your pale hands.

You grin as you crawl out your window, and bolt into the twilight. Crowley smashed the door in only a few minutes after your escape. He turns swiftly to the demons behind him, his face twisted in fury and uncertainty.

"Have every demon out looking for her, I want her back as soon as possible.", Crowley barked "If anyone dares to lay a hand on her, I want you two to personally bring their sorry asses here. So, I can deal with them accordingly."

The demons nod and take off, hastily spreading the news like wildfire in a drought.


You scream as they splash holy salt water on you, your skin burning at the contact. The gang of priests huddle around you, being careful to not step over the edge of the demon trap.

"What in the fuck! Why would you do that!" You scream, your eyes flashing a pure (f/c).

"Father, what demon is she?" A tall, lanky, blonde priest says, clutching the bottle off holy water tightly.

A short, bald one holds a leather book, its pages wrinkled and browned by age. He silently skims through each page, his nonexistent eyebrows knitting together.

"I do not know son, but believe me, she is no ordinary demon."

A green-eyed man splashes more holy water on you, and you fire back with a string of cuss words that would make the Dean Winchester blush.

"What is your name?" The bald one asks.

"Why the fuck would I tell you?" You hiss, your eyes flashing (f/c) once again.

The blonde splashes more holy water on you.

"Fuck! My name is (f/n) (l/n)." You spit, holy water now stinging your flesh.

"We are finally getting somewhere." The bald man smirks, resting the book on a pier.

"Go to hell, you bastard."

"No you are supposedly, or already have been." The blonde sneers back splashing more holy water on you.

"Nope, I was born demon." You smirk, watching their faces turn into horror.

"Once my Dad finds out what you did to me, he'll flay you alive then send you too hell himself just to become your personal torturer." You hiss, struggling against the bonds at your wrist.

"Who is your father?" A black haired one asks, pushing his glasses up on his nose, noting down things in a blue journal.

"The King of Hell."

They all scurried around like little ants at that statement, praying to God and such. A huge thunder clapped in the room, silencing them all.

They all stood huddled, as a bright light appeared next to the overhanging idol of Jesus' crucifixion. A man appeared in the middle of it, a soft glow radiating from his skin.

A mop of hair sat on his head, as his face was clean, but unshaven, he glanced over at you, then to the huddling mass of blubbering idiots.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in His church?" The bald man stupidly asks.

"I do believe that I am allowed in my church." The man replied, walking over to the group.

"God?" The bald man asks, shaking all over.

"Yes, but my human name is Chuck." Chuck replies.

Every priest drop to his knees, bowing and singing hymns. You can't help but laugh.

'This is so stereotypical humans.' You think.

Chuck then turns to you, and the priests are quick to their feet.

"We are ashamed that this monster stained your church, Father."

"Monster?" Chuck suddenly whipped around, facing the group of men.

"She has done nothing wrong, she was born this way, I made her this way. She is just as much as a monster as you are!", Chuck bellowed, the glass shattering in the church. "You trapped her, tied her up against her will, and started to torture her because she is different."

The priest looked like they were about to pee right then and there.

"But, Father-" the blonde argued.

"It's Chuck! And the way I see it, if you were to all die at this moment, the only one who would be going to my place up in the sky is her!" He points a finger at you, snapping your attention away from getting free.

Chuck snaps his fingers and you are free, the bonds, the chair, the demon trap, all gone.

"I am disappointed in all of you, may your family's be plagued for the rest of time."

They began to cry and beg, but Chuck was already gone, and so were you.

You walked alongside Chuck, laughing about the whole thing.

"So is their family really plagued?" You ask, a giggle escaping your lips.

"Nah...just wanted to see their reaction, maybe I should have let Gabriel take over. Now that would be funny." He snorts in laughter.

Chuck snaps, and you find yourself at the gates of Hell.

"So thanks for saving my butt out there, I really appreciate that." You smile, waving goodbye to God.

"Any time, (y/n)." Chuck replies, waving back as you go back into Hell.

"Any time." He whispers quietly, before taking off.

I am sorry if I offended anyone with the Christian people in this story. I just twisted the normal view point of them to make it funny. If you don't like it, then forget you ever read it. It's as simple as that. 

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