Prank Week (5/5) (Sam Winchester/Hunter!Reader)

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Sam Winchester/Hunter!Reader Fanfiction

"Okay I give up." You say, as the boys enter the kitchen.

"Really?" They both reply in unison, shock evident on their face.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I was so cruel to you guys." You reply sweetly, the oven beeping behind you.

You turn around, placing oven mitts on your hands.

"So, I baked some 'truce treats' for you."

You turn around, placing a steaming pie on the table and a tray of chocolate chip cookies beside them.

Dean's eyes open wide, along with his mouth, as the scent of fresh, hot pie wafts to his nose.

Sam eyes the cookies, seeming doubtful about you calling truce. He carefully reached out and plopped a warm cookie in his mouth, moaning at the flavors that flooded his mouth.

You threw a fork at Dean, and he caught it, digging into his pie.

When finished, Dean grunts happily, a dorky smile on his lips. Sam wipes his mouth, evidently smearing chocolate across his face.

"What was in that pie?! I loved it, (y/n)!" Dean asked, burping.

"What recipe did you use? I need to have it." Sam chucked "The cookies were perfect, warm, crunchy and delicious."

"A cook never tells her recipes." You sigh, a smile creeping on your lips.

"Come on, you can tell us!" Sam argues.

"Yeah!" Dean says.

"Dean your pie was called a veggie-pie. A pure vegetable pie! The filling was made of pureed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and some other normal ingredients." Dean's face paled at your words.

"Sam the reason the cookies were so crunchy was, because I made sure you got your extra protein. I made bug cookies. While mixing the batter, I added in dried grasshoppers, maggots, crickets, and a few beetle larvae."

Sam quickly exited the room, his face growing green. Dean still sat there, eyeing the empty pie tin.

He looked up at you, as Sam entered the kitchen once more.

"You win."

Hey people! I'm sad, but glad that this fanfiction is over. Thank you guys for waiting till the end. If you want to request a Fanfiction, just message me and I will work it out. If you liked this fanfiction don't forget to comment and vote!


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