Chapter Five

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Hey, guys. Sorry for the delay and I know it's super short, but it's kind of a space filler until I can think of something better. I hope you enjoy and feel free to vote and comment :) I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks. Oh. And if you get the chance, please check out my other stories. Feedback is welcomed!

The darkness was consuming me. I was drowning. I was dying. I couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. Dark. It was everywhere. I tried to inhale, desperate to feel air fill my lungs.

"Help!" I managed to call out. I was wasting air, but I needed help. I was going to die. I didn't want to die.

"Help!" I called again. It came out feeble and soft and got stuck in my throat. I was desperate for air. I was willing to do anything to get it. Anything.

"Anything?" The voice of someone asked. They were right next to me, but it was so dark that I couldn't see them.

"Please. Help me," I said as an answer. The voice laughed, but made no reply. Its laughter was cold and mocking, full of contempt and anger. The voice wasn't going to help me. Of that much, I was sure.

The need to breathe was getting stronger by the second and I tried to inhale again, but to no avail. No air entered my lungs. I was going to die. I knew it.

"Help." I whispered into the darkness, hoping-no, praying- that the voice next to me would answer and would help.

There was no answer and I felt the fight start to leave my body as I succumbed to the tiredness that engulfed me.

Suddenly, the darkness was replaced with fire and the feeling of suffocating was replaced by the inhalation of smoke.

Everywhere I turned, there was fire. It surrounded me and I felt panic start up in my chest once more. I despised fire. It was a fear of mine that I would die in the hungry flames; that they would engulf me and leave nothing behind.

I desperately searched for a way out of the flames. I needed freedom, however I saw nothing that would help me get it. There was no way that I could see that would allow me the freedom that I desired.

I opened my mouth to scream for help, but then stopped myself. I could get out of this. Besides, no one would help me anyways.

"Having fun, Hunter?" The voice asked. I could just make out a shape behind the flames which I assumed belonged to the person speaking to me. The voice seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Who are you?" I asked, turning as the figure circled me like a predator. I was the prey once more and the situation seemed all too familiar.

"You don't recognize me?" The voice asked. Then, I realized who it was. It was Him.

"Very good, Hunter..." The voice mocked.

I let out a growl from the back of my throat as a response, my whole body tensing as I waited for him to attack.

"Did you know that the flames obey my command, Hunter?" He asked as the circle of fire got tighter around me, leaving less and less room to move. The fire was almost upon me; so close that I could feel the lick of the flames as it tried to devour my skin.

Closer and closer the flames got. Their fiery tongues were eating at my flesh, desperate to engulf me.

"Silly little Hunter girl

Thought that she could win

But He was too smart

And broke her heart

And she died from her stupid sin

Silly, stupid child

She thought that she was strong

But he was too great

And she was full of hate

So he proved her wrong."

I clenched my jaw as he sang. The flames were now not just licking at my flesh, they were eating it. I watched in morbid fascination as the flames ate my hands and travelled up my arms. It hurt, but the pain was distant. It was like I was looking down on myself. It didn't seem like it was actually happening.

And then it all made sense. It wasn't real. It was a dream. This wasn't real. It wasn't happening. It was all in my head; some sick and twisted nightmare.

"This isn't real!" I shouted as the flames moved up my body. I willed myself to wake up and for it to end.

"This is all just a nightmare! Wake up, Hunter! Wake up!" I shouted.

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