Chapter Four

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"Come on, Hunter," the man said, interrupting my laughing fit. I looked over at him and nodded, following as he left.

I looked down at my waist for the sword and then my heart dropped. It wasn't there. It was still in the building. I couldn't work my plan if the main object was still in a burning building. I cursed loudly.

"What is it?" The man asked, stopping to look at me.

I shook my head. I couldn't tell him my plan. It would reveal the truth about me, and I couldn't risk that.

"It's nothing. Can we go back?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He wouldn't let me go back. Not when he had risked his life to save me.

"Are you crazy? You can't go back there!" He shouted. I looked at him as anger washed over me. He was going to yell at me? I didn't get yelled at. Especially not by people like him. He was nothing.

"There's no need to yell. It was just a question," I replied coldly, my anger flaring up. How dare he yell at me? Who the hell did he think he was?

"There is need to yell when you are being stupid!" He roared, his face right next to mine.

Angrily, I shoved him back, my hands curling into fists. I saw red as I got closer to him. I could kill him. A blow to the nose or my hands around his neck would do the trick. It would be so quick that he wouldn't have time to react.

I saw his death in my mind's eye. I saw him falling to the ground, his eyes staring emptily at the sky. I got a rush just thinking about it. I wanted to do it. I really wanted to do it. I wanted to feel and watch as the life drained out of him. I wanted it so badly. It would be so easy. It wouldn't take any work at all.

Then I blinked and the feeling was gone. What was wrong with me? I didn't enjoy killing. Did I? I felt sick. Was I turning into a monster? Was I already one?

There was something wrong with me. Being surrounded by all this blood and death was making me crazy. I needed a break. That thought caused me to smile. Take a break? This wasn't just a job that I could take a break from whenever I needed. This was my life. I didn't like it, but I had to accept it.

"Hunter?" The man asked, staring at me. I looked away. How could I look him in the eye when I just been plotting his death in my head?

"Where are we going?" I finally managed to ask, my voice weak. It sounded strange and foreign.

"Somewhere that you'll be safe," he replied as he started walking once more, leaving me to follow him which I did reluctantly.

"I don't think I'll be safe anywhere," I replied, laughing darkly. It was true, of course. I would never be safe. No one would be. This world that we were living in wasn't safe anymore and it never would be.

"Do you know about the rebels?" He asked softly, walking slightly faster. I matched his pace and nodded my head once.

"What about them?"

"I'm going to have you stay with them. They'll keep you safe. Especially their leader. The Huntress does a great job of keeping everyone safe. I hope that she's there so that you can meet her."

I gulped and stumbled slightly, cursing mentally. He was kidding. Right?

"Um, okay," I replied, my voice shaking slightly. What was wrong with me?

The man looked at me and grinned an evil grin that sent shivers down my back. What was going on?

He took several steps closer to me and I took several steps back. What was he playing at?

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