Chapter Fourteen

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Once upon a time, there existed a girl who was kissed by the night sky. Her eyes were made out of the stars themselves and her hair was spun with moonlight.

When the world was plunged into darkness, she thrived. After all, you can't see the moon and stars without darkness.

With her power, she crafted a sword made out of star dust and light. And because of who she was, every evil doer was scared of her.

She wasn't quite human and had the ability to move faster than anyone ever thought possible. She was like moonlight itself in the way she carried herself. She was stronger, faster, and smarter than anyone. No one could defeat her.

To find her, you have to go down the steps at sunset that lead to the forest. She will be there and if you are kind, she will protect you.

However, do not be fooled by her beauty. She can kill anyone who gets in her way with a quick slash of her sword. With her dagger, she can kill grown men. And with her bow, she can shoot the smallest man from the tallest tree.

That is why she is called The Huntress. She is the most skilled fighter and protector who has ever existed and no one knows who she really is for she wears a mask that covers her face.

With the power of the moon, she will vanquish He who lie in darkness. She will save the world from destruction and will restore everything to its former beauty.

With her powers, she will let girls read and write and she will free the slaves. Once more there will be equality and beauty.

She is the one the government fears. She is the one who will save the world.

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