Chapter Three

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"Hunter," I heard someone call. I opened my eyes sleepily and sat up, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly, looking around. I was in my room and there was a figure standing in the doorway. It looked to be a man from the broad shoulders.

"We need to go. The house is on fire," the man said, pulling me to my feet.

I stumbled slightly and grabbed the photo off of my nightstand along with my knife and followed the receding figure of the man as he left.

Smoke surrounded us and as we made our way to the door, it got harder and harder to breathe. Flames licked at our backs as we left and I coughed, the smoke getting in my lungs.

"Hunter!" I heard the man call out. I had stopped to catch my breath and the smoke clouded my vision so that I couldn't see the man anymore. I coughed again, doubling over.

The flames suddenly surrounded me and I couldn't see past them. This enemy wasn't one that I could fight with a sword or knife. I had to use my wits.

I slowly stood up and covered my mouth and nose with my shirt before slowly turning around to evaluate my situation. I was almost completely surrounded by the flames, but there was a small opening. Just enough for me to slip through before I was completely surrounded.

Making up my mind, I darted through. It lead me farther into the house and away from the door, but I could get out through a window or something. At least, I hoped.

I walked around the house, staying low to the ground and avoiding the flames as they licked at my feet. It was one of my worst nightmares. I hated fire. It was loud and hot and it was His most powerful weapon.

"HUNTER!" The man shouted. I looked in the general direction as one of the beams of the house fell, nearly crushing me. I dodged just in time and went on to high alert. I was not going to die because of some stupid fire.

I headed toward the big window at the back of the house, avoiding the falling debris. It was terrifying and I thought for sure that I was going to die.

When I got to the back of the house, fire surrounded me completely and totally. It was a big ring. I couldn't get out without burning myself and I couldn't stay inside the ring without dying.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" The cold voice of the monster asked, stepping into the ring. He was wearing the same cloak with the hood pulled up that he had worn at the ceremony.

I remained silent, watching him. He was like a cobra that was ready to strike at any moment. If I wasn't careful, he would kill me. Or do something much worse.

He walked over to me slowly, taking his sweet time. I tensed, bracing myself for the inevitable.

He brought his fingers to my chin and tilted me up to look at him before he slowly lowered his hood.

He was handsome. Probably the best looking man that I had ever met, but I wasn't going to be fooled by his looks. His eyes were cold and dead. They held no real emotion.

Once I got my look at him, he quickly pulled the hood of his cloak back up to cover his face.

"Stay away from me," I snarled, backing into the flames. The ring had tightened and I cried out in pain at the searing pain that engulfed my back.

He laughed darkly as I struggled to put out the flames. His eyes never left me.

"Don't be rude, Huntress. Or should I call you Hunter since it's your real name?" He asked, taking a step closer to me.

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