Rise and Shine {54}

Start from the beginning

"I can't" I said deciding to just braid my hair into a halo braid. I don't know if I was going I'm crazy or if Finn was very moody this morning.

I connected the halo braid together satisfied with the job that I had done. The strands that were floating around my face would have to stay that way since I didn't have the time to perfect the braid.

After walking out of the bathroom I noticed my clothes. My graphic tshirt was too casual for work.

"Finn I need a shirt"

He walked out of the bathroom and I ran towards the white shirt that he was holding in his hand. When I reached out to grab it he lifted his arm high making it impossible for my 5'3 frame to reach.

"Finn stop! I'm already late." I groaned at him.

"No. If you want the shirt then I need something in return" he teased

"What do you want" I huffed out

"A kiss. A long sexy kiss"

I rolled my eyes and agreed to his offer. He pulled my head up and planted a kiss on my lips. He shoved his tongue in my mouth and his hands went to my butt. He groped it and I felt uncomfortable since it started to hurt.

I pulled away from him and impatiently said, "Finn may I please have a shirt now"

He smiled at me while tossing the shirt to me and I luckily caught it. I ran into the bathroom to change out of my clothes. I took of my shirt and placed the white one on. The shirt was several sizes too big for me. I tucked it into my jeans and rolled the sleeves up. After my adjustments I still drowned in the shirt.

I walked out of the bathroom and slipped on my sandals. I ran towards the living room and found Finn dangling my keys in his hand. He was standing in front of the main door.

"You look hot in my shirt" he stated giving me an up and down look


"You're really leaving?" he asked

"Yes. Can I have my keys?" I was slightly annoyed at him at this point. He passed me my keys and after hugging me he walked me to the elevator.

"Bye" he whispered into the silence

"Bye" I said back as the elevator doors shut.

I thought about the conversation that me and Finn had yesterday. It made more sense as to why he pushed his father away. I would have never predicted that Ed would treat his son like that. The Ed I knew was sweet, caring, and helpful. I wasn't going to judge Ed since I could understand that losing his wife drove him to do things that he regrets. And whenever he a spoke about Finn it was with guilt and pride.

The elevator door opened and I shook the Trate family drama out of my head but my mind just couldn't forget what happened with Finn this morning and last night. Finn was a good guy. He made me laugh and smile and I didn't want to lose him. But I couldn't forget how uncomfortable he made me last night by touching me and groping me.

But it's okay if Ian gropes and touches you. The man who has a girlfriend. But when the guy who's interested in you touches you you're uncomfortable? My subconscious was a judgy person.

I groaned out loud since she was right. I decided to just brush it off. It was probably nothing. Finn is a good guy. I can't lose a good guy.

After walking into the garage I made my way to my car. I quickly drove to McKinley Enterprises. After parking in the garage I grabbed my work bag and got on the elevator.

I wonder why Ian hadn't called me yet since I was late. I patted my pockets for my phone. But my pockets came up empty. Where was my phone?

I thought back to the last time I had it. I had it yesterday with Finn.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I recalled my battery was dying so I turned it off and used Finns charger. My phone was back in Finn's hotel room plugged into a socket.

I quickly got a coffee and rushed inside Ian's office. He was talking on the phone when I walked in. His eyes looked me up and down and I saw his tense face relax a little.

After hanging up his call he stood up from his chair and walked towards me. He was a couple of feet away from me and he leaned back on his desk.

"Hey" I mumbled awkwardly

"Hi" he stated giving me his intense gaze, "Where were you?"

I ignored his question and instead said, "I brought you coffee"


I interrupted him and said, "Next time would you like a bagel or something because just drinking coffee everyday is not good for you. There's plenty of bagels in the break room. They come in a variety of flavors like Garlic, Raisin, Plain-"

"Delilah I don't care about the bagel flavors" he interrupted

"Are you sure? If you not a bagel guy then maybe you're a waffle kind of guy?"

"Delilah I know what you're doing and it's not going to work"

"What am I doing. Because last time I checked I was simply informing you of the many breakfast options you have"

"You're trying to change the topic and distract me so that you won't answer my question. Now that you are done being silly, answer my question. Where were you?"

"What do you mean" I replied pretending to be confused.

"Last night. Where were you" at my lack of response he continued to talk, "I told you after the meeting that I would call you and I did. You didn't pick up so I waited. After waiting for a while I went to your place. Your roommate didn't know where you were either so you must understand how...." he paused for a second as he thought of the word he wanted to say, "concerned I was. And now you show up to work late and you can't seem to tell me where you were."

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